Assessing people in this way would be a step towards a more scientific approach to diagnosis, away from one based on how someone behaves or how they describe their symptoms. The US National Institute of Mental Health has had this goal in mind since 2013. Marcel Just of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and …
*Hug* Brain Test Can Diagnose Conditions Like Autism Read more “
Selena Gomez opens up about depression amid the pandemic. Selena Gomez was dubbed the “Queen of Instagram” as the most followed celebrity on the social networking platform in 2016. Now, Selena says she hasn’t been on the internet in four and a half years. SEE ALSO: 9 Ways to STOP an ANXIETY CRISIS “That has changed…
“I was away from the internet for over 4 years and it helped my mental health” Read more “
“It’s really nice to meet people from home and share a good meal,” says Anna Zilenska Sitting in a restaurant in Shankill, Dublin, Anna Zilenska, who fled Kiev a month ago and has been living with an Irish family for a week with her daughter, said it was “amazing” to finally eat a traditional Ukrainian meal. She was …
Volunteers Serve Homemade Ukrainian Food to War Refugees Read more “
It’s easy to say, “I love my family,” but love for family is more than those simple words. Family love is a special kind of love that comes with its unique feelings, behaviors, challenges, and rewards. Once you understand what it really is, you can learn to build family relationships with love and…
United Family: What It Is, How It Is And How To Make It Happen Read more “
Small gestures of good deeds can really brighten a person’s day. These “random acts of kindness” have incredible power to change someone’s life for the better. Browse this list of 100 random GOOD DEEDs ideas and spread smiles and kindness wherever you go. Good deeds for a stranger…
100 random GOOD DEEDs ideas. Spread smiles wherever you go. Read more “
Neighbors Mary O’Neill and Benjamin Olson developed a great friendship behind a fence during the COVID-19 crisis. Hearts across America soared as the story of 2-year-old Benjamin Olson, who became best friends during the pandemic with his neighbor, 99-year-old Mary O’Neill,…
‘It was so much fun’: Grandma celebrates her 100th birthday alongside her 2-year-old best friend Read more “
Review this list every week to complete an entire year of doing good deeds! We all want to do good! Whether for ourselves, for our friends or family, for the planet or for society in general. No matter how big or small, good deeds have a double impact: we cause…
52 good deed ideas to make the world a BETTER PLACE Read more “
From the moment my girlfriend and I got engaged and set our wedding date, we started thinking about the reasons we chose each other. What was so special about our relationship that we decided to spend our lives together? Our love would be the same if we were born…
Couple travels the world to photograph and document extraordinary LOVE STORIES! (15 photos) Read more “
A video went viral in South Africa and around the world. They are images of a man asking his wife to marry him at KFC – an American fast food restaurant. The person who shared the video did it in a mocking tone to deal with the situation. The game has turned and now the brands are behind the simple …
Brands team up to hold ceremony for couple mocked by marriage proposal at KFC Read more “
If there’s one thing that warms our hearts, it’s reading a story of an animal being rescued from a life of pain and suffering. One of those lucky puppies is Ellie Mae, who was abandoned for so long that when she arrived at the veterinary hospital, it was almost impossible to tell what animal she was just by looking. Nebraska…
Abandoned dog with 9kg of matted fur gets stunning transformation that saves her life Read more “
Recently, photographer Simon Dell stumbled upon a family of mice running around in his garden. Instead of buying mousetraps, however, he took his tools. “I was out for a day photographing birds. When I came back and went to mow my garden I noticed something moving on the ground,” Simon said. “I pointed my camera at…
Man discovers a family of mice living in his garden and builds a miniature village for them Read more “