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Get rid of the ego

Sometimes self-esteem rises so high that it blinds the image we have of ourselves, making us believe that we are more important or better than others. If you think you need to lower your ego a little, here are some steps to follow.

The ego is that part of our thinking that limits our vision of reality. It only lets us see our point of view, it is rigid and controlling and, therefore, it is harmful and destructive. The ego influences the decisions we make, since we internalize a false idea of ​​ourselves, generally with tendencies towards narcissism and selfishness, and based on which we demand that those around us behave. Thus, getting rid of the ego would allow us to broaden our way of understanding the world, being more flexible and tolerant.

That is not an easy job, since it requires an enormous reflection exercise, in addition to assuming mistakes and giving in. However, the personal work to reach a balance that allows us to be in harmony with ourselves and others will always be worth it. By getting rid of the high ego, you lose the fear of failure and we prepared to explore new places that had not been reached before due to fear.

The ego or false self

The word ego is synonymous with a “false self.” When this rises, it creates a blindness or false image of oneself., increasing the perception of one’s own worth. This causes those who suffer it to end up thinking that they have a greater right to dignity and respect. That is, it makes us think that we are above others, which leads us to act in a tyrannical and aggressive way.

Many times the ego is confused with high self-esteem, but rather the opposite is true. The ego increases the perception of one’s own qualities, forgetting or not taking into account their own mistakes and the rights of others. Instead, self-esteem consists of admiration based on reality, accepting mistakes and avoiding self-exaltation. Furthermore, he does not consider anyone’s superiority or inferiority.

Thus, the ego can only lead to a set of negative emotions. Frustration, anger and control are its main components, since someone with a high ego does not accept that things are not the way they want. It is important to do a personal exercise to get rid of the ego and, therefore, increase self-esteem. To do this, you can follow a few steps that, although simple, require patience and open-mindedness to truly accept.

How to get rid of the ego

To get rid of the ego, you have to work on some steps that may be very simple at first glance, but which require significant inner work. Especially because it means avoiding or attacking the very thing that feeds it.

Free yourself from the need to be the best. Praising yourself and feeling important is necessary, but also identify your aspects to improve. We must be aware that we are all valuable in one aspect or another and that it is not about being the best, but about improving ourselves.Stop feeling offended. This feeling comes from when something or someone does not meet your expectations or criticizes you. Everything doesn’t have to be personal, so instead of taking everything as an offense and harm to yourself, be open to change and the opinions of others.Forgetting to be right. High ego leads to the need to always be right, because we consider everything we think or do to be the right thing. Thus, practice giving in, considering other options and understanding other points of view.Don’t revolve around achievements. Achieving success in something is satisfying and a source of well-being. However, we should not center our lives around them and let these be the pillars of our way of relating to the world. We are not a better-regarded job or well-defined muscles, we are the effort and motivation we have had when something did not go well. With this in mind, it will also be easier to value it in others.

In short, to get rid of the ego you have to free yourself from the need to constantly think about yourself. Opening up to others and taking them into account will help you lower the perspective you have about yourself. And, although it may be complicated at first, the result will be a life fuller of well-being and inner peace.

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