Home » Holistic Wellness » Full moon in June: this was the “strawberry moon” and this is how it influences you

Full moon in June: this was the “strawberry moon” and this is how it influences you

This Sunday June 4, At dawn, we had a full moon. It was the last full moon of spring and the sixth of the thirteen full moons that 2023 will have. It is known, above all, with the suggestive name of strawberry moonalthough it also receives another name that will surely awaken some questions in you: Honeymoon.

The name Strawberry Moon is due probably because this name comes from the North American tradition and for some native North American tribes these were the dates on which the strawberry harvest began. However, there are other theories as to why it is known that way. In fact, in Europe traditionally one of the names that this Moon received was Pink Moon or Pink Moonand it is that sometimes, not always, it can be seen pink… Below we will tell you why.

It was, moreover, full moon in sagittariusnot because this was its position in the sky but because in astrology it is considered that this is the sign that will mark the energy of this full Moon.

Moon today: lunar calendar from June 5 to 11, 2023

When is the full moon in June 2023

The June Full Moon or Strawberry Moon took place at 5:43 a.m. Sunday morning, when it had not yet dawned anywhere in Spain. It could also be seen full on Saturday night and again on Sunday night (in both cases with more than 98% illumination, which looks like a full moon to the human eye).

A very low full Moon, and pink?

As we approach the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, the moon looks lower on the horizon, drawing the same path as the Sun when it approaches the winter solstice. This makes it look more pinkish, the same optical effect that makes us see the sky pink or orange at sunrise or sunset and that it is produced due to the scattering of sunlight in the Earth’s atmosphere before it reaches the Moon.

In fact, another name given to the Strawberry Moon is the Pink Moon or Pink Moonlike the full moon in April, although in the case of the month of April it points to another origin. The names of the full moons are as varied as cultures exist on the planet and they are fascinating, because they reflect the connection with nature with which all those cultures have developed for millennia.

How does the full moon affect Sagittarius?

This full moon in Sagittarius coincides with the Sun in Gemini from the point of view of astrology. According to Marga Roldán, an agronomist trained in evolutionary astrology, it is a Moon whose energy “invites the expansion of Sagittarius and the communication of Gemini.”

It is, says the expert, “a good time to check if I really say what I feel and contemplate what I am really feeling and if I am manifesting it”. For this reason, it is also a Moon that, if we are happy and optimistic, Marga Roldán tells us, “can easily lead us to disperse, so as not to look at what is really being expressed inside.”

Thus, and always from the perspective of astrology, it is a propitious moment for contemplate with love our games when communicating with others and to accept that understanding comes from sharing wisdom with another. “Perhaps you feel that the energy invites you to let go of control, especially the mental one,” says Marga Roldán. “This opens a door to explore how much you resist letting go or not and what you do when this happens.”

Why is it called “Strawberry Moon”?

Full moons have traditionally had different names depending on the time of yearoften connected to the crops, and the fact is that the Moon has always been a guiding element for farmers.

In the thirties, according to NASA itself on its website, an American almanac began to publish the names of the full Moon used by Native Americans. “Strawberry Moon” was the name used by tribes in the Northeastern United States for the June Moon, because used to coincide with the strawberry harvest in that area.

Curiously, in Europe, where many full moons have also had traditional names, we have already seen that one of the names used for this moon was rosy moonperhaps because of somewhat pink tone that the Moon can acquire when it is lower. However, there are other theories as to why it was called that, as there are those who say that the name would come from the fact that it is the full Moon that coincides with the harvest of roses.

Other names for the full moon in June

Another name deeply rooted in European tradition is that of Honeymoon. And also for this there are different theories, but perhaps the most interesting is associated with the collection of honey, which would make this full moon a the sweetest full moon.

The popularity of this time to marry could have given its name, by association with the lunar calendar, to the newlyweds honeymoon. In fact, the month of June takes its name from Juno, the goddess of marriage in Roman mythology.

The June Moon receives other names connected with what happens in nature: from the green corn moon among the people of the Cherokee or the Moon in which the bison bellows from the Arapahoe to the horse moon of the Celts.

It is also an important Full Moon in India, the Moon on which Vat Purnima and married women tie threads around the trunk of the banyan tree, their type of Indian fig tree.

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