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Test: Do you know the plural of all 19 selected words?

You probably already had doubts about how to write and/or speak a certain word. Especially when it comes to words that are not used in most people’s daily lives. That’s why it’s so important to know our Portuguese language so that we have less “problems” when using it, isn’t it? In fact, having a wide lexicon is usually well-regarded by ...

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How 15+ Stars From Films Released 20 Years Ago Look Today

It’s hard to believe that so many of our favorite movies celebrate a special date this year. For example, the first films of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings were released 20 years ago. Yeah… time flies too fast. We, from awesome.clubwe decided to check how the actors and actresses who participated in famous films of 2001 are doing ...

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Why are there more and more people with mental disorders in the world

Almost all of us were raised, from childhood, with the idea that the only reason to see a doctor is physical pain. Psychological trauma, stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression are often seen as “freshness” or “mimimi”, which is why many people refuse to consult a professional specializing in mental problems. However, it is increasingly clear that taking care of ...

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We imagine what the children of these 18 famous couples from Brazilian television could be like

Many people enjoy a good romance, and often on telenovelas, they find couples with great chemistry who immediately become fan favorites. But unfortunately, these romantic duos are fictional. When our favorite couple’s story ends, we begin to wonder: what would their lives be like after marriage? Or, moreover, what could the children of these famous fictional couples look like in ...

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Mom celebrates her 15th birthday party at 45, demonstrating that it’s never too late to make a dream come true

Lorena del Carmen Navarro has always dreamed of celebrating her 15th birthday, a tradition rooted in Latin America that demonstrates that a girl has reached maturity. The celebration, which involves wearing a beautiful dress and receiving guests in a ballroom, could not be held at the time, as Lorena’s family did not have enough financial resources to organize the event. ...

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8 Disgusting Habits That Can Be Good for Your Body

Some people say it takes 21 days for an attitude to become a habit. But according to recent studies, it takes at least 66 days for a new form of behavior to become automatic. In this post, we present a list of some habits that seem disgusting, but are actually good. Check it out right now. 8. Urinating in the ...

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8 Psychological Traits That Prevent You From Being Rich

Most people fantasize about prosperity, but few achieve this dream. Many people work with a sweat on their brow, deprive themselves of many joys to save that extra penny, but in the end, they end up back where they started. And usually, the main obstacle has to do with certain psychological attitudes that prevent us from following the desired path. ...

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