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Do I care a lot what others think? 7 signs that indicate yes

“You have to trust yourself” and “you have to accept other people’s opinions”: two pieces of advice we hear all the time and which, if looked at closely, can seem opposites. After all, is the best way to have unshakable self-esteem or to take into account the criticisms of those around us? As you can imagine, the answer is that ...

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gluttonous women

Calm down girls! Today I’m not going to talk about diets, eating disorders or healthy eating… This is a subject for the other columns. I would like to share with you a characteristic that I have: I am a gluttonous woman! I confess that I also eat a lot, but this is not the case. I want it all! I’m ...

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What does Facebook say about him?

With the advent of social networks updated in real time by their users, the dynamics of human relationships has been modified at the same speed with which people log into their Facebook accounts. The popularization of this type of tool has made life a lot easier for those who are looking for a job, or want to sell a good, ...

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How to keep the house in order

To keep the house always in order, it is important to keep everything in its place. When there is no specific place for certain objects, they end up scattered around the house and then the rooms become a mess. Having a place to store every kind of belongings makes it easy to keep the house in order. Whenever you use ...

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25 things you need to start doing for yourself

Many people are probably familiar with the phrase “although no one can go back and make a new beginning, anyone can start now and make a new ending”, credited to Chico Xavier. This sentence pretty much sums up how attitude changes work: there is no way to change what has passed, but what lies ahead is an open field of ...

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The virginity myth is a social construction that needs to be broken

Female virginity is still a taboo, especially when it comes to breaking the hymen. A social construction, without scientific basis, permeated by achismo, machismo, religious discourses and patriarchal culture. As a result, many myths, doubts and fears arise among women. The gynecologist Dr. Vanessa Machado (CRM 119917), from Vera Cruz Hospital, and psychologist Ellen Moraes Senra (CRP 05/42764) approach the ...

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What does dark menstruation indicate about your health?

During your menstrual cycle, you’ve probably come across dark menstruation. It is common to be worried and doubtful. Does the change in color indicate an intimate health problem? Calm down, some factors cause the coloration popularly known as ‘coffee grounds’. The gynecologists Dr. Mariana Rosário (CRM SP-127087), from the Albert Einstein Hospital, and Dr. Naira Scartezzini Senna (CRM 131412) clarifies ...

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