Under review
At some point in your life you have probably wondered if it is possible to have sexually compatible friends, just like that. No intention of a romantic relationship. Do you think this is possible? We tell you the findings of a study on this.
There is a tendency to believe that when there is a friendship relationship between people of compatible sexual orientations, it has only two endings.: a great love story or, if the spark does not arise, an impossible love.
Thus, sex between friends is something that has been discussed for years. Is it possible for it to take place without affecting the friendship relationship? Or does this really cover up more desires on the part of one or both of you?
There are four different forms of attraction between friends
A study conducted by American psychologist Heidi Reeder says something different. Interviews were conducted with a hundred men and women, in which they talked about the feelings they experience for their best friend.
After analyzing the results, it was concluded that among friends there are different forms of attraction:
Friendship attraction is the most commonis the attraction we feel towards people whose company we like.Romantic attraction is the least common among friends. It usually happens early in the relationship. In this case, one or both people would like to change friendship for a romantic relationship.Subjective physical/sexual attraction. A third of those interviewed confessed to having felt this way about their friend. It is the desire for sex to be part of the friendship relationship, without interest in a romantic relationship.Objective physical/sexual attraction. More than half of the study participants felt it. It consists of thinking that the friend is attractive in general terms, but without feeling attraction on a personal level.
With these results, it was possible to conclude that the Friendship and love are intense and very close feelings. In this way, it is easy to think that the jump is possible and simple.
Even so, there is always the fear of revealing an attraction for the other, due to fear of rejection or losing friendship. However, research tells us that true friendship resists the impact of confession and sex between friends.
Lasting friendships and dying friendships
What difference is there then between those who manage to maintain friendship and those who distance themselves permanently? Statistically analyzed data have shown that The success of the friendship is related to the way you behave before, but especially after, the confession..
Heidi Reeder maintains that Friendship can be maintained if you keep some suggestions in mind and, above all, if you remain calm. Thus, fostering friendship, intentionally making it work and maintaining the same customs, is a fundamental first step for the friendship relationship to continue.
It is very important to accept the fact that feelings are not reciprocal, suffering is caused by the rejection of reality. But we must remember that acceptance is not giving up, it is the release of negative emotions.
Generally, strong, long-lasting friendships are more likely to weather the storm, while new friends are more vulnerable. Apparently, in the friendships that survived, there was a greater complicity, where very intimate arguments were freely talked about without reservations.
Sex between friends: when passion unleashes
In some cases, The affection we have with a friend is so strong that it can go beyond. And one night it happens, what seemed to be an evening among friends ends in a night of passion.
In fact, Of the 300 respondents in Reeder’s study, 20% had had sexual relations with a friend at some point in your life. But there’s even more, 76% acknowledged that their friendship had strengthened afterwards.
In these cases, it seems that a climate of trust and complicity is created that generates a friendship greater than what existed before passion surprised them. For this to happen, We must remember that dialogue is the basis of friendshipand there is no need to hide behind banal excuses that only make the situation worse.
“Sex without love is an empty experience, but as an empty experience it is one of the best”
(Woody Allen)
It’s just sex between friends, right?
The same investigation revealed a very interesting fact: only a low percentage of those interviewed actually had a relationship and, of these, 50% managed to establish a much longer lasting relationship. So, it seems that sex between friends is a reality, without the need for it to end in a relationship.
Is it just sex between friends or is it something more? The answer seems to lie in how it is managed. The first thing then is to be honest, with yourself and with your friend.
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