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Do you want to be happy? So don’t tell anyone!


My grandmother used to say: against envy, silence. No one needs to know about your life, your achievements, the paths you intend to follow, the falls or failures. You don’t owe anyone an explanation.

Great fortunes have been made in silence and even billionaires are sometimes caught leading a middle-class life.

One day, I asked a French friend why the rich in his land were super discreet about money. In a burst of sincerity, my friend, whose daughters only learned at age 30 that their father had a private plane, said: “As dangerous as envy is the human being’s ability to think he has reached the top. When he thinks he can do everything, the end begins.”

We don’t need to go around screaming our happiness or complaining, living our life is fine.

We don’t need to advertise our life to say that we are better than others. No one is better than anyone else, money makes (pretend) that some people are better than others, but it’s pure deception.

A goal for my life: To be more silent. I have a bad habit of telling others about my achievements and other nice things. And even though I have the habit of trying to make a good selection of what I tell, I discovered that envy has no name or surname, it comes from those we least imagine and least expect.

In addition to silence, the other goal is to make things happen, without anyone noticing. As I’ve said and I’ll repeat, we shouldn’t tell anyone about our life and then we’ll see how we can be happier.

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If there is one sentence that has marked my life and will be taken to the letter from now on, it is this one:

“As dangerous as envy is the human being’s ability to think he has reached the top. When he thinks he can do everything, the end begins.”

Wishes for the future? Feet on the ground, mouth closed, look ahead and heart-compass. If we have that and health, there is no evil that always wins. May good always prevail!

Juliana Manzato


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