The width of wedding rings says a lot about the couple’s personality and style. They exist Many questions about how to choose the width of your wedding rings online without seeing them in person, so we prepared this post to help anyone who wants to have beautiful silver rings.

Buying rings online is a reality for many couples! And this practice has become increasingly common! In addition to the economy, It is possible to find a huge variety of wedding ring models on the internet.

First of all, The first step is to measure the size of your wedding ring.. Here on our blog we have a complete post with the five ways you should go about finding out your rim size! Once done, you will choose the width of the rings!

What is the width of the rings?

The width is the part of the ring that draws the most attention, which is why the proportion hand x ring must be respected.

Big hands go better with larger, wider rings, while small hands go with smaller, more delicate rings. Look for a ring that has an interesting width for the couple’s hands.

What ring width should I choose?

The width of the ring depends a lot on your taste! Therefore, this is a very personal choice when deciding on wedding rings! Below are some tips to help you:

Rings with a width of 2 mm to 4 mm: ideal for couples who like more discreet and delicate alliances;

Wedding rings with a width of 5 mm to 7 mm: they are an intermediate size. When in doubt, opt for widths in this range!

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Rings with a width of 8 mm to 10 mm: these are wide rings. Perfect for couples who like alliances that appear more!

Wedding rings from 9 mm onwards: super wide wedding rings. Only suitable for couples with long fingers and who really like bigger jewelry!

Tip: wedding rings longer than 9 mm can be uncomfortable for people with shorter fingers! Be careful when choosing

How to choose the width of your wedding rings at home?

A super simple tip to help you get an idea of ​​these widths at home is with 10 cent coins!

You will stack the coins — one on top of the othertherefore, the coins will serve as a parameter for the width of the alliances. Holding them, it would be as if you were holding a ring of the following widths, depending on the number of coins stacked:

1 coin = 2.5 mm
2 coins = 4.5 mm
3 coins = 6.5 mm
4 coins = 8.5mm

Of course, these measurements are approximate! But it definitely makes it easier to get an idea of ​​what your rings would look like before they arrive! And if you want to get a sense of how each ring width would look on your finger, you can get ribbons of different widths to try!

The website has special filters where customers can filter ring models based on width, metal, Format It is finishing that suit the couple best.

We have dating rings, wedding rings It is engagement rings for couples with different styles!

Check out more options and be enchanted at Our site!

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