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17 People Share Their Most Embarrassing Moments When They Were Interns

Any professional environment has its own rules and requires specific formalities. That is, certain conversation topics and behaviors are simply not appropriate. But that doesn’t mean that at least once in our lives all of us, with the desire to make a good impression, end up experiencing embarrassing moments, especially as interns.

If that was your case, rest assured that you are not alone, because we at awesome.clubwe separated 17 reports from Internet users who have already gone through embarrassing but funny situations as interns.

I had a job interview and I walked from the subway to the office. She was wearing a beautiful suit with a burgundy silk skirt, socks and scuffed sneakers. My heels were stored in a suitcase to change when I arrived in the lobby of the building. I wasn’t late, I had plenty of time, but I forgot to make the switch. The interview was going well until I leaned back in my chair, crossed my legs and saw my disgusting sneakers. I burst out laughing, told my interviewer why, and he burst out laughing. I was offered the job before I left. © streamstroller / Reddit
A moment of flatulence, slow and squeaky. It would have been easier to laugh, but people acted like they hadn’t heard, which meant I had to pretend I didn’t hear too. © aMANescape / Reddit
I went into a senior manager’s office when he was talking to another senior. I forgot what I was going to say and just stood there for a second with both of them looking at me. I ran out of the room. © Sarudin / Reddit
My manager started working a month after I did. I was showing her the software that we use as it is quite industry specific. I went to point at something on the screen and ended up spilling her coffee on the table. But that’s okay, because she ended up doing the same thing on my desk a few weeks later. © chelseyc / Reddit
My team had inside jokes about the manager because he got all upset over pointless stuff. He would slam the computer, type too hard, swear, get mad if the sandwich was cut wrong, etc. What happened is I was texting the manager who I was badmouthing. My mind subconsciously selected him from my contact list because I was thinking about bad mouthing him. © TicknTieDetective / Reddit
I was a graphic design intern at a regional newspaper in the late ’90s, and one day one of the candidates for elected office came in to take a photo for the paper and none of the real photographers were in the office. I was the only person present who knew how to take a photographic portrait. The photo I took was so bad that the newspaper had to apologize and ask the candidate to go back to the newspaper the next time he was in the state to get a new photo. © SomeNorCalGuy / Reddit
“I think I smell fire!” I said. My first day as a production intern working for a game fair. I smelled something burning (it turned out to be someone soldering something). The producer came and found me, ripped my badge and sent me home for the day. Insinuating there’s a fire on a crowded, hot sound stage isn’t something they take very well. I learned my lesson. © jgaudio22 / Reddit
It was my first day as an intern and my boss told me to settle down at my desk a bit, because in 15 minutes there was a department meeting in a conference room. I saw a bunch of people walking into a room, so I went in and sat down. We ended up having breakfast and going over a bunch of stuff together. I was never introduced or talked about our team, but I figured maybe it was just a full department meeting or something, and my boss would talk to me later. When I got back to my desk, my boss came over and said they had waited for me for about 15 minutes and started the meeting without me. I had apparently gone on a date with a bunch of people at my company who are above my boss. Fortunately, he found it absolutely hilarious. © the_dayman / Reddit
I left a Coke in the freezer, because I didn’t have time to wait for the soda to cool down faster in the fridge. When the manager opened the freezer, the soda exploded. Best day of my life. © taxislife / Reddit
It was a Friday afternoon. That day my senior was away and I was working at the local office. Tasks that were supposed to take all day to do, I ended up finishing them by noon. Since I had to stay in the office until 5 pm, I asked all my colleagues if they needed my help, but they said no. I tried to keep myself busy for a few hours, but there was literally nothing to do. At 4 pm I asked my “colleague” via Skype if it would be possible to leave an hour earlier. He forwarded my message to the manager, putting my senior and I in trouble. © cowboyjones1 / Reddit
When I was a lowly intern at a music label, I ran into the CEO in the hallway. He was in the conference room with the company’s top customers (millions of dollars, millions of fans, famous band) and asked if I could bring a variety of drinks to the meeting. He then said he wanted a “sparkling water”. I didn’t know what to do and had to walk with my tail between my legs and ask where it was. He again told me to just get the waters fixed. I was panicking in the kitchen for a long time, and that’s when the CEO came in and showed me one of those machines that allow you to carbonate soft drinks. Great first impression. © onyx0825 / Reddit
Once, when I was interning at a multinational, I was supposed to move the changes I made from our sector’s desktop environment to the production one. I accidentally clicked the wrong key and for that whole day we were unable to publish any changes. This caused a huge delay in our order queue. It took two senior engineers just over a day to fix what I did. © cp_ghost / Reddit
I fell off one of the rolling chairs and when I hit the floor, I farted. It definitely made my patient feel better, so there was a silver lining to this story. © mrspistols / Reddit
I went into a patient’s room, took their history, completed an exam, and only realized at the end that I was examining the wrong patient. You might wonder if I got the bed number wrong or if I was simply in the wrong room. The answer is yes: I was wrong about both. © PokeTheVeil / Reddit

Know a funny story about interns? Do you remember any stories from your time? Tell us in the comments.

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