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Discover the birth control chip

When it comes to birth control, there is a wide range of options available in the market. From the traditional pills, through the condom itself and the injections – taken at longer intervals than the pills themselves -, women today have several possibilities of choice to protect themselves from an unwanted pregnancy.

The novelty in the matter is the contraceptive chip. The method, in addition to preventing pregnancy, would also be able to regulate the effects of PMS, cut the occurrence of menstruation, avoid large variations in weight and even regulate the female mood.

What is the birth control chip?

Implanted under the skin of the patient’s buttocks or arm, the chip is nothing more than a small silicone tube, with a specific dose of hormone. The small device is programmed to release a specific dose of this hormone into the patient’s bloodstream every month.

How long does the chip last?

Since the amount of hormone contained in the chip varies from one patient to another, according to the woman’s needs and the determination of her doctor, the chip lasts for a long time, but differs from one woman to another. It can last from one to three years.

What hormone is contained in the chip?

The combination of hormones is also different for each woman, and it is up to the doctor to define which hormones should be used in each case, specifically.

Is the birth control chip an expensive technology?

There are price variations for the chip implant, but, in general, it costs between R$200.00 and R$800.00. The implant is simple and does not usually cause pain or other types of discomfort to the patient.

What are the advantages of the method?

Once the chip is implanted, the patient can free herself from the continuous use of the pill, for example, which is an inconvenience for many women. In this way, inconveniences – such as forgetting to take the medication – are avoided.

Another problem caused by the pill that does not exist in the case of the contraceptive chip is discomfort. As the device releases only a small dose of hormone, the woman is not at risk of feeling nauseous, for example.

The use of the chip has a direct influence on female sexual life: it increases libido. In addition, it can also fight unwanted cellulite.

More serious health problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome, anemia, endometriosis and even menopause can also be treated through the use of chips, specially programmed for such purposes. However, it is extremely important that the implant be performed by a doctor you trust – preferably your gynecologist, who already knows your history and will be able to make the necessary recommendations for your case.

Are there side effects?

In some cases, the patient may experience some side effects until the body gets used to the chip. These effects range from headaches, nervousness, some types of mood swings, and breast tenderness. Although these effects are considered normal, they are not felt by all patients who use the method and may, in fact, not even appear.

“The main side effect is irregular bleeding that can happen in the first few days. Because it is a very low dose of hormone, until the woman stops menstruating, in fact, there are small bleedings – which are normal and do not mean that the chip is not working. Sometimes there is a need to take some kind of medication to control the problem, but nothing to worry about”, says Alessandra Bedin, a gynecologist at Hospital Albert Einstein. “Also, in women who already have a certain tendency to acne, the chip can end up making the problem a little worse,” she says.

The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.

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