Chocolate raises passionsdelights, fascinates, it has been called “food of the gods”… But where does the power of chocolate come from?
Does any of its components exert real changes in the organism or this is another food myth? There is data pointing in both directions.
Why do we like eating chocolate so much?
Chocolate is closely associated with pleasure. His flavorto which its sugar content contributes, plus its palatability, its texture and the fact that it melts in the mouth (because of the cocoa butter), favor this satisfying experience.
Besides, the combination of sugar with tryptophanan amino acid found in cocoa, favors the production in the brain of serotonin, a neurotransmitter related to feelings of well-being. Cocoa also contains theobromine and caffeinetwo alkaloids of stimulating effect.
On the other hand, it has been known for more than a decade that anandamide is found in cocoa (ananda in Sanskrit means happiness), a derivative of arachidonic acid that is manufactured by the brain itself and binds to the same brain receptors as the active ingredient in marijuana.
The trees of pleasure should not make us lose sight of the forest of well-being.
Considering its nutritional composition, chocolate is not included among the basic foods. Now the cocoa contains substances that arouse great interest, such as flavonoidsand specifically one type of them: epicatechin, the main responsible for the antioxidant and heart-healthy functions of cocoa.
How much chocolate can you eat a day?
The recommendation or not of a food should be done after establishing a balance between benefits and potential harms.
The consumption of chocolate also has its counterparts. And one of the most important is its energy content, due to the high presence of sugar and cocoa fats.
The European Union has admitted that chocolate may contain vegetable fats other than those of cocoa in an amount not exceeding 5%. This opens the door to palm oil and other fats of little nutritional interest. The legislation requires that the composition be clearly included on the product label.
But undoubtedly the 500 calories per 100 grams are there, and mean that a typical serving of 20 grams provides about 100 calories. Chocolate is very energetic but in the recommended amounts the caloric intake is low.
The amount that experts agree to be adequate is between 2 and 6 grams a day, or 10-15 grams two or three times a week. 6 g., quantity enough to make a profit of their consumption, contribute about 30 calories.
Pleasure and health seem to come together in chocolate, as long as a basic principle of the relationship with food is not forgotten: moderation.
Is chocolate good for cardiovascular health?
According to Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosisthere is increasing evidence that dark or bitter chocolate improves heart function and arteries and, ultimately, promotes blood circulation. Good news that does not contradict, however, the advisable moderation in consumption.
What kind of chocolate is better?
The beneficial effects of chocolate seem to be mainly due to the cocoa it contains. So, essentially, the more cocoa and fewer other ingredients, the better.
From a content of more than 75% cocoa, chocolate is considered dark or bitter.
What properties does cocoa have?
Besides of antioxidant effectfrom which the whole organism can benefit, there are different studies that indicate that cocoa lowers blood pressureboth the maximum and the minimum.
Another effect attributed to it is that of improve insulin sensitivitywhich can promote glucose metabolism.
Can chocolate become addictive?
Current data do not indicate that chocolate can create physiological dependence nor, therefore, should be considered as a drug.
It is true, however, that many people experience intense desire to consume it for the pleasure it gives them, which could be considered a psychological dependency.
Is chocolate with nuts better?
Many recipes and commercial chocolates include almonds or hazelnuts, foods with a high nutritional value and a profile of healthy fats.
So they can be a good optionalthough it is interesting that the chocolate in which they bathe maintain a high proportion of cocoa.
Is chocolate bread healthy?
It constitutes a healthy proposition that can be taken once or twice a week.
The snack of many children today is based on high-calorie pastry products with an unfavorable fat content. A piece of good bread with 10-15g dark chocolate it turns out more interesting.
Does chocolate have an antidepressant effect?
Eating chocolate, if one likes it, provides moments of satisfactionwhich are very rare or absent when the person is depressed. Its “antidepressant effect” probably doesn’t go beyond that.
It is important to enjoy good times, but also diversify the sources of enjoyment.
Is it true that chocolate causes acne?
Some people get pimples when they eat chocolate. This occurs in predisposed and sensitive skin.
Sensitive people should watch how their body reacts and act accordingly. But To say that chocolate causes acne, in a general way, does not respond to observed facts.