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Chest acne: how to prevent and treat the problem

When hearing about acne, people usually think of the well-known “pimples” on the face, which bother both men and women. However, it is worth noting that acne lesions can also appear on other parts of the body – being relatively common, for example, on the chest.

But anyway, what is acne? How do these injuries arise?

It is a common skin disease associated with the production of male sex hormones. It affects the pilosebaceous glands, which produce a greater amount of fatty secretion – which, in turn, cannot go beyond the opening of the pore, accumulating and forming open comedones (blackheads) or closed comedones (whiteheads). This accumulation of substance retained by the obstruction of hair follicles favors infection by bacteria, especially by Propionibacterium acnes.

Acne is a multifactorial problem, that is: heredity, genetic predisposition, changes in the production of sex hormones, bacterial infection, inappropriate use of skin care products, etc. are considered risk factors for the manifestation or worsening of the condition.

More common pathology in adolescence, both in men and women, acne can extend, however, throughout life, depending on factors such as heredity, pregnancy, hormones, use of cosmetics, etc.

Acne lesions tend to appear more on the face, shoulders, back and chest – the latter being a more common problem among women.

Gabriella Vasconcellos, dermatologist at Clínica Goa Health Club, points out that acne on the chest, also known as “body acne”, is the result of blocked pores due to excessive production of sebum or hormonal dysfunctions. “Usually the female audience is more susceptible to this. In most cases, acne develops during pregnancy or postpartum,” she points out.

The good news, however, is that there are treatment options for the problem, as well as tips to help prevent chest acne from developing.

4 tips to prevent chest acne

Below are three guidelines that can help prevent chest acne:

1. Use antibacterial soaps and creams. Moisturizing the area using antibacterial creams and soaps that remove oil from the skin are good for preventing pimples from appearing, according to dermatologist Gabriella.

2. Avoid fatty foods. High-calorie and high-fat foods, especially those rich in glucose (such as chocolate), favor infections. That’s why it’s important to avoid consumption on a daily basis.

3. Use products suitable for your skin type. People with oily skin, for example, should avoid using greasy lotions and moisturizers. In cases of doubt, it is always important to talk to a dermatologist who will indicate the best product options.

4. Rinse the body well after removing the conditioner from the hair. Conditioners can also contribute to the appearance of acne, because often the product runs onto the chest (or other parts of the body, such as the back, for example) and is not removed correctly. Therefore, it is essential, after rinsing your hair, to pass the whole body under water.

How to treat chest acne

Dermatologist Gabriella Vasconcellos explains that women can now seek medical help as soon as they repair the appearance of pimples on the breasts. After all, only a dermatologist will be able to recommend the best type of treatment, taking into account the particularities of each case (severity of the lesions, habits and skin type of the person, etc.).

Below you can see some types of treatments available to fight chest acne (or even to soften the scars it can leave on the skin):

  • Skin cleaning and exfoliation (in simpler cases, it is already possible to have a satisfactory result).
  • Topical medications in the form of gel creams (indicated in milder cases).
  • Oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatories (in more severe cases).
  • Spectra: is an effective laser not only to treat acne, but also to prevent permanent scarring from occurring.
  • Peelings: which promote the progressive exfoliation of the skin with the aim of removing dead cells, lightening blemishes, attenuating wrinkles and scars, leaving the skin thinner and softer.
  • Fractional CO2 laser: which emits a beam of light with the property of being attracted by the H20 molecules of the human body and, with this, stimulates the healing of the treated area, as well as the production of collagen, being a great alternative in the treatment of marks from the acne.
  • Hyaluronic acid: the product is injected into the dermis to produce an “expanding” effect, filling the acne scar.

Homemade Recipe to Reduce Oily Chest

Dermatologist Gabriella Vasconcellos explains that there are some “home remedies” that can help reduce oiliness in the chest region. “Aspirin, because it contains salicylic acid, both dries acne and reduces the inflammation caused by it. This makes it a main ingredient in homemade recipes,” she highlights.

Below the professional quotes a homemade recipe for this:

  1. Crush two aspirin tablets;
  2. Mix them with a teaspoon of water;
  3. Add a teaspoon of honey.
  4. Apply on the chest;
  5. Let it dry for 10 minutes;
  6. Rinse with cold water.

Products indicated for the treatment of acne on the chest

Below, dermatologist Gabriella Vasconcellos cites examples of products that are useful in treating chest acne:

Topical creams: the cream must have a concentration of salicylic acid between 0.5% and 2%. “Swipe the cream directly over your acne to dry and heal the spot faster,” explains dermatologist Gabriella.

Products with Benzoyl Peroxide: Benzoyl peroxide fights acne-causing bacteria and helps dry and remove dead skin layers.

Mandelic Acid Mask: These masks should be applied 10 or 15 minutes before showering.

In the gallery below you will find the most popular products that contain the substances recommended by the dermatologist and that can help in the treatment of acne on the chest:

But it is worth noting that the best option is always to consult a dermatologist, as only the professional can indicate the best products and treatment most suitable for your case.

Tais Romanelli

Journalist graduated in 2009 (58808/SP), freelance writer since 2013, totally adept at working from home. Communicative, always full of topics to talk about and inspiration to write. Responsible at work and outside of it; dedicated to commitments and the people with whom she lives; in love with family, dogs, home, the sea, moments of tranquility and also excitement.

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