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In a figurative sense, a flexible person is understood as someone who adapts to circumstances and is capable of giving in or being “elastic.” Below, we tell you the main features that characterize this profile.
Flexible people are characterized by a series of personality traits and components that are positive for personal and sociocultural development.. These people tend to generate special sympathy in us, leading us to take them as a model or overestimate the value of their opinions. Next, we tell you the main traits of this type of personality.
In a figurative sense, we understand flexible personthe one that adapts to the circumstances. As opposed to a rigid person, he is good at adapting to circumstances. This allows them to develop traits that we will explore in this article and are considered dimensions of personality.
Mental openness, characteristic of flexible people
Flexible people have a dimension of personality called open-mindedness or openness to experience.. They are people who are not afraid of being involved in new situations. In this sense, they are dynamic and enjoy dynamism.
Therefore, they also have an extra component of daring in their personality. They take more risks and suffer less in situations of uncertainty. On the other hand, They also do not suffer as much when they do not know precedents for successful resolution of a certain problem..
Furthermore, flexible people They understand that there are different points of view and a wide range of possibilities when it comes to solving a problem.. Considering various points of view does not mean that they will easily change their opinions.
On the contrary, people with this trait tend to have well-established values precisely because they have not avoided conditions or exceptions. On the other hand, your faith in certain values is not a barrier to hearing contrary opinions from others..
The affability
Likewise, they tend to ask for help when they need it and score high on the agreeableness dimension. Affability is associated with kindness, courtesy and cordiality.
When a person is affable, he or she shows friendliness and closeness.. The affable personality is influenced by their belief system; generally, they think well about people without being naive about “the good things.”
Evaluation or assessment is a cognitive mechanism that, for them, has very positive aspects. For this reason, they are cautious people when it comes to judging, so they are less vulnerable to prejudice. Your thinking is curious and can be innovative. They tend to relativize and are not so intransigent with the “shoulds” or which is supposed to be fine.
This does not mean that they do not accept criticism, on the contrary, they appreciate it and feel it as an impetus to improve. They tend to laugh – compared to rigid people – at themselves. They score low on being proud and have no trouble asking for forgiveness when necessary. They see it as a need consistent with their values, as well as helping others, regardless of their beliefs.
They are people who have almost an infinite capacity for learning. However, they have a humility score higher than other personality types and tend to consider themselves still ignorant or continuous learners. They like to explore new things, and they generally like to travel or explore new places. This openness to experience leads them to seek new experiences: a good example of this is travel.
Resilient capacity and problem solving in flexible people
They tend to adapt plausibly to new environments, even if there are difficulties or grievances. Likewise, they emerge successfully from complex situations, and in adversity, strengthened. Therefore, they have a latent resistant or resilient personality trait.
They are good conversationalists and dialoguers. They encourage dialogue before judgment. When they make a collective decision, they give the turn – with priority – to another person. They are people who are not guided by established canons and feel connection when talking about topics that they are passionate about.
They score high in creativity; a dimension that is linked to your positive attitude . On the other hand, the manifestation of this attitude does not mean that they are excessively optimistic, but rather that they see the glass as half full, instead of half empty.
Problem solving is a characteristic in which they perform well and autonomously.. Furthermore, when it comes to seeing a problem, they understand that there may be more than one solution. Contributing with their solutions, new ways to solve problems. They usually fend for themselves, although they are grateful when they receive help.
These types of people make us feel comfortable, inspiring, with their example, flexibility in others.. At this point, it should be noted that the trait of flexibility is already latently present in each person. It’s just a matter of putting it into practice.
The current pace of life can make us create rigid patterns of thinking and acting, which provide a cognitive advantage. However, human development is flexible and changing. Ignoring it may be more of a restrictive limitation than an advantage. Let’s think. Flexibility is an art aimed at feeling better.
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