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Car, boat or plane dizziness: natural remedies to avoid them

With the arrival of the holidays, many people look for places to spend joyful and relaxed days. But to achieve this, you often have to travel (by car, boat, train or plane) and that can lead to moments of discomfort.

The person responsible is none other than the motion sickness (“motion sickness”) or traveler’s sickness.

The symptoms of these dizziness are well known:

Tiredness Pale face Cold sweating Acceleration of pulse and heart rate Often unsteadiness Headache Nausea that may end in vomiting.

Why do we get car sick?

In reality, it is not a disease, but an attempt to adapt to an unusual situation. simply we are not designed to stay inside vehicles that are moving at a certain speed.

The properly physiological causes of this disorder are:

Disturbance of the center of balance located in the inner earMobilization out of the ordinary cerebrospinal fluid of the braineye strains due to the variation of the horizon line Presence of static electricity.

The central nervous system (CNS) is responsible for the sensation of balance that we usually have Through the information it receives from the outside (through eyes, ears, skin, muscles and joints) it allows the body to remain upright and balanced.

The brain analyzes and interprets this data giving the body references about its position in space. These systems often work together. integrating the various information coming from abroad.

But when, for example, vision does not perceive the same movement as the other systems, causes a CNS reaction that stimulates the nausea center.

In addition, various psychological factors favor its triggering or amplificationalthough there are people more prone than others to suffer from it.

Motion sickness is more common in women than in men -according to some investigations, it presents twice the incidence-, especially during menstruation and pregnancy.

Curiously, It is rare in children under 2 years of age and maximum between 3 and 12.

Regarding the means of transport:

The highest incidence of motion sickness occurs on sea voyages (from 50 to 70% of the passengers), although it depends on the size of the vessel, sea state and previous experience of the traveler. plane present a variable incidence of symptoms of dizziness.On trains the probability of getting dizzy is much less.


Dizziness is a nuisance and can spoil any trip. unfortunately there is no proprietary remedy that reliably helps against motion sickness in all those affected. The following medicines can help beforehand:

A dressing with the active ingredient scopolamine, in minimal dose, it can prevent motion sickness, but it must be applied at least four hours before departure. It is not yet clear what this drug does in the body. It presumably blocks the transmission of nerve impulses from the vestibular organ to the vomiting center in the brain.

What is scopolamine?

Scopolamine, also known as hyoscine or burundanga, is a tropanoid alkaloid that It is found in certain plants, such as belladonna and mandrake, and is commonly used as a medicine. It is an antagonist of acetylcholine receptors and has antimuscarinic effects, which means that it inhibits the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Scopolamine is used in medicine to treat various conditions, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness and muscle spasms. It is also used as a sedative before medical and surgical procedures. However, it can also be used as a drug of abuse due to its psychoactive effects.

In high doses, scopolamine can cause hallucinations, delusions, amnesia, and other psychotic effects. Besides, it can be dangerous in combination with other drugs or alcohol. Therefore, it is important to use scopolamine only under medical supervision and to follow the instructions carefully.

Travel gum and tablets containing H1-type antihistamines they may suppress nausea, but should not be swallowed. If you are particularly vulnerable and have a long journey, you should take another pill three hours after the first. You can also use travel gum in an emergency. So if you already feel sick, they will relieve your symptoms.

There are several types of H1 antihistamines available, both over the counter and by prescription, and they can have different side effects. It is important to speak with a doctor or pharmacist to determine the appropriate H1 antihistamine and the correct dosage based on age, medical condition and other individual factors.

Taking ginger can be effective. One study provided evidence of this. The tuber is said to have helped in experiments against nausea and motion sickness. Subjects took ginger in tablet form.

How to avoid getting dizzy when traveling?

In order not to get dizzy, the first thing to do is Avoid the anxiety that often comes with the prospect of a trip. The game and its preparation must be carried out calmly, physically and mentally rested.

One has to avoid going psyched that one will inevitably get dizzy, because such an attitude favors what is so feared. It is better not to think about it and focus on pleasant things.

Certain habits and behaviors can help during the trip:

To rest well before leaving on a trip, as the body will adapt better to movement.Sleep already on the boat before sailing, on the plane before takeoff or in the car before leaving (while the luggage is finished loading) is also a good idea.Restrict movement in general and especially of the head and neck during the trip. One way to do this is to sit quietly or, better yet, lie supine or semi-recumbent, resting your head on a pillow and keeping your look at a distant point.Avoid looking at moving objects around or the waves if you are in the sea.Reduce exposure to movement standing in the most stable place of the transport used. For example, in the middle of the back seat of the car, the middle of the boat or the deck, the front seats of the bus or those near the wings of the plane. It is advisable do not read, especially if you travel by car. To avoid the boredom of children, which tends to cause dizziness, there is also an old remedy: occupation. You have to try to distract them with observation or memory games.make a few stops more than expected if you go by car (every two hours is a good pace), in order to loosen up your legs, back and neck. The driver is responsible (regular driving, no sudden acceleration or brakingespecially when cornering), as well as the vehicle’s suspension.Avoid strong odors (tobacco, gasoline) airing from time to time. On boats it is equally important that the cabin is well ventilated, as well as going out on deck to breathe fresh air. It is preferable not to wrap up too much or turn the heating too high when traveling, as the feeling of heat increases the possibility of seasickness. Is better wear light clothing.

What to eat before traveling so as not to get dizzy?

If you are prone to motion sickness and the trip is short, it is best to try not to eat anything; and if it is long, a light meal.

It is not convenient to fast for a long time; can cause gastric acidity.

Although as a general rule it can be said that it is best to not have a stomach that is too full or too empty. It will be necessary to avoid abundant, heavy meals or taken outside the usual hours.

it suits do without delicatessen and coffee with milk in particular. will be moderated fatty, highly seasoned foods or with strong odors or flavors.

They better be easy to digest and rather pasty consistency: cookies, bread, apples, fruit in syrup…

He alcohol and the tobacco increase the chances of feeling nausea.

Chewing gum only increases the amount of salivawhich when swallowed stimulates stomach movements and favors nausea.

Newbies boarding a ship for the first time are advised to take olives, a slice of lemon or a little of its diluted juice, well stop excess salivation that accompanies dizziness.

A fresh diet rich in vitamins and minerals is the most appropriate; especially interesting is the rich in potassium vegetables (lettuce, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach) or fruits (peach, grape, banana, etc.).

Some dietary supplements can help: the vitamin B6 It is very useful as it strengthens the nervous system (100 mg one hour before and after starting the trip); he magnesiumreduces stress and gastric acidity (about 500 mg before leaving).

Natural therapies and some anti-dizziness tricks (or that calm them down)

There are different on the market medicines that can be used against dizzinesssometimes with certain side effects. In this article, we discuss preventive tips and natural treatments.

Nervousness, anguish and the fear of feeling bad can favor dizziness.

Holistic medicines and therapies, by taking these emotional factors into account, can help prevent or improve symptoms.

there is even empirical procedures of popular knowledge that we can prove, because in any case they are exempt from danger. There is an old standby that is said to have some effect: chew parsley or place a sprig on the skin (with the help of a tape) at the level of the solar plexus (above the navel).

Others are supporters of carry a magnet in your pocket. Whether this works by suggestion or by actual physical action matters little in this case.

To reduce stress and the feeling of nausea, easily present when traveling, nothing better than take slow, deep breaths from time to time or practice the conscious breathing:

Place the spine straight, with the vertex of the head towards the sky, and bring the chin in slightly, without compressing the throat. Inhale calmly and deeply through the nose (with the tip of the tongue touching the roof of the mouth to the right). height of the upper incisors), concentrating on the sensation of filling the abdomen as if a bottle were being filled from below. At the end of the inspiration, hold the air for a few moments imagining that the inspiration continues. Then exhale calmly through the mouth, with the tongue at the base (the tip touching the lower incisors) with the sensation of emptying the chest, as if a bottle were being emptied from the neck. This breathing should be repeated several times, with the teeth slightly clenched and the tongue touching the palate.

An oriental trick is to apply a little “tiger balm”the camphorated product that is used in muscular pains on the solar plexus, the temples and the wrists.

The aromatherapy It is also an effective resource. Since bad odors contribute to increase the sensation of dizziness, smell a handkerchief during the trip where they have been deposited a few drops of essential oil (lavender or mint are indicated) contributes to avoid or alleviate…

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