Being creative is not related to high intelligence. This capacity is inherent to human beings and we can all learn to enhance it, to put it to our advantage.
Creativity is an exceptional muscle that we all have within our reach. Thanks to it, we make better decisions, we innovate in our reality, we find more answers to everyday problems and we align dreams with achievements. Being creative is not an art, it is an exercise that you learn to practice daily.
Often, we tend to think that this ability is directly related to the act of creating, being used only in artistic matters such as painting a painting, composing music, writing a book… The reality is that a creative person has a place in any facet and field they want.
Even more, another interesting aspect that Edward de Bono revealed to us in his day is that being creative is not related to high intelligence. We all have this ability in ourselves. However, sometimes Education itself extinguishes this spontaneity, this sensational force.
“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.”
-Pablo Picasso-
Being creative, a tool of power
Creativity provides us with solutions and ideas that allow us to adapt to a constantly changing environment. , also improving social relationships thanks to the use of new communication habits.
Besides the creativity allows us to get out of the routinepushes us to leave the zones of comfort and conformity, educates our mind to understand reality from different perspectives and facilitates the task of solving problems.
Thus, It is important to develop it and always keep it awake. in our daily lives, thus allowing us a higher quality of life.
Robert J. Sternberg, one of the leading experts on intelligence, personality and creativity, explains to us in a study that This ability should be awakened and enhanced during school time.. The educational system therefore has the obligation to improve its study plans to train this very basic skill for the advancement of society itself.
How to be more creative
To be creative you just have to open your mind, dare to think differently, challenge yourself. What’s more, authors like Edward de Bono suggest that sometimes, we have to unlearn certain things to learn them better.
These 5 tips can help us.
1. Don’t set limits
The heart has no borders and the imagination even less. Enjoy as much as you can and discover as much as you want. It is very good to use a notebook on hand to write down the ideas that come to mind during the day and materialize them. Creativity arises at any time. The more you take advantage of it, the more you will be developing it.
Likewise, another means to enhance creativity is meditation. A calm mind thinks better, a focused mind connects directly and more intensely with its reality to transform it.
“An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.”
-Edwin Land-
2. Learn from the professionals and create your own theories
Creativity is a skill that you can learn and practice. To do this, discover habits of professionals who can guide you. At this point, it can be good for us to visit different exhibitions, attend events, read books…
Personally, in less than a month I became much more creative by visiting two big events current innovators: the exhibition by Ferrán Adriá “Auditing the creative process” and “Slide to unlock NYC” by Rodrigo Rivas.
3. Look for things that motivate you
Learn to know yourself and discover yourself. It is what will allow you to know in which environments you can feel more comfortable and capable of giving the best of yourself without closing yourself off to new opportunities.
Not all of us are interested in the same things, not all of us are moved or inspired by the same stimuli and experiences. It’s just about finding our channel.
4. Don’t get overwhelmed, rest, feel, connect to reality in another way
It is important “don’t force us” to constantly create new ideas or solutions. If we do not take this into account we run the risk of blocking ourselves internally. Try to keep in mind in those moments of little inspiration the phrase: “tomorrow will be another day.” Rest and allow yourself time to think.
5. Hang out with people who inspire you
Getting together with active and creatively awake people motivates us. We can learn from your knowledge, and if we listen carefully we will discover signs that lead us to the idea of a great personal project. Enjoying is an exercise “obliged” if you want to get great creative results in your life.
It is possible that you are a person with a lot of imagination but you don’t know how to enhance it and succeed with your great ideas. If you keep these tips in mind, in weeks your creativity can take a 180 degree turn.
“Creative thinking is not a mythical talent. It is a skill that can be practiced and nurtured.”
-Edward de Bono-
Do not forget, Everyone’s talent is something innate, but you can also learn to develop it, applying it in your life and growing every day in a different and full way. You just need to make a little effort.
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