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Being aware brings pain and a liberating awakening

Consciousness is like the movement of thought where will, desire, emotions and feelings are generated. Being conscious entails pain, which is why it is something we avoid, it means seeing ourselves face to face. With what we do not want to see, that we reject and that bothers us about others.

The problems we are experiencing are not separate from us, we are in fact the problem itself.. Problems exist when one does not know oneself. They arise from our lack of understanding of our conscious and unconscious.

“Self-knowledge is not based on any formula, one can go to a psychologist or a psychoanalyst to know oneself, but that is not self-knowledge; Self-knowledge arises when we realize ourselves in the relationship, which shows us what we are in each moment.”


The awakening of consciousness

Awakening to our consciousness consists of starting a process, in which we are going to feel uncomfortable; since we will have to move away from all our preconceived ideas and beliefs, doing relearning to expand our mentality, our perspectives and beliefs.

Our ego, made up of pride and all our childish behaviors already in adulthood, represents the prison from which it is very difficult for us to get out. We believe we are free and we believe that we decide at all times about what we want to do, however, we are slaves to our lack of awareness and clarity to know ourselves.

Awareness and clarity, at first, entails pain as we remove everything we have been avoiding seeing.. We see the damage we have done to ourselves and others, and our lack of responsibility to address everything that has been the consequences of our attitude and thoughts.

“It is not possible to awaken to consciousness without pain. People are capable of doing anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own soul. “No one becomes enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

-Carl Gustav Jung-

Take responsibility for who we are

It is much easier, without a doubt, to remain ignorant of who we are.. It is what we get used to, and in this way we act, blaming others and circumstances for everything that happens in our lives. Without even questioning our attitude or our thoughts regarding what we experience.

When we are really willing to take responsibility for our lives, that is when the process of awareness begins.. Facing the fact of recognizing our fears, our difficulties, emotions; our limits, way of relating, prejudices, beliefs and behavior patterns.

The entire repertoire of which we are part, of how we relate to ourselves and others; Thus identifying ourselves with everything we do, as something ours, especially what affects us and is painful.

This process is not something theoretical, but something experiential, in which we settle in our present., accepting and integrating our entire current repertoire of behaviors. Thus leaving our comfort zone, and the childish attitude that makes us be incoherent and irresponsible in the face of the circumstances that are presented to us.

“Being responsible means being present, being here. And to be truly present is to be aware. At the same time, being conscious is a condition incompatible with the illusion of irresponsibility through which we avoid living our lives.”

-Claudio Naranjo-

Being aware makes us free

In this awakening of consciousness that entails pain, especially at the beginning of the process, is when we approach all our aspects, considering our lights and our shadows. Integrating our entire repertoire to allow us to be who we really are, and understand ourselves better.

Many times they are life situations themselves, which confront us with circumstances and stages in which we find ourselves unable to move forward and resolve our conflicts. The difficult stages that arise in our lives are what lead us to begin the process of awareness..

By becoming aware of ourselves we free ourselves from our repressions; of the guilt that torments us, and of the toxic conflicts in our relationship with others and ourselves. Learning to differentiate what depends on us and is our responsibility. Committing to our care and well-being.

“Freedom is the will to be responsible for ourselves”

-Friedrich Nietzsche-

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