In life we encounter streaks and stages that are not as we wish. And the only solution so that our emotional well-being is not greatly altered is to install acceptance in our lives. Accepting what you cannot change is vitally important so that you can move forward and transform your life. Who has not ever wished that reality were different from the one they are experiencing? Who hasn’t made a mistake that they would like to change? Who hasn’t been bothered by another person’s attitude or way of life? In any situation that makes you uncomfortable, analyze if you can do something to solve it. If so, create an action plan to improve your life. But, if you see that you can’t do anything to change something, if you want to move forward you have to accept reality or you will suffer more than necessary. Fighting against an immovable reality will be a waste of useless and harmful energy. Only from acceptance will you be able to move forward without stagnating.
Accepting does not mean conforming
These are the main differences between conformity and acceptance:
The acceptation: It is aimed at tolerance of a situation. That is, knowing that life is like that and not everything can be good, but always leaning towards action. You can live with this unpleasant situation without causing excessive discomfort. But, despite this, it is possible to focus interest and focus on other areas, trying to open new doors. Accepting is abandoning a fight towards something that has no solution and looking for other paths that allow us to live as we would like. You have thoughts like: “This is what it is and I can’t do anything, I avoid it and continue with my life to see if I achieve my goals.”Conformity: It occurs when we do not tolerate a situation. Since things are not as we want, we close ourselves off and tend to inaction and stagnation. Negative emotions appear and we give up, we believe that we cannot improve our lives. You have thoughts like: “I can’t do anything to change my life, I am miserable and I will always be unhappy.” There is a tendency toward lamentation and victimhood, and hope for improvement in the future is lost. The person does not open himself to new possibilities and throws in the towel, he settles for the life he has even if he does not like it, he will not lift a finger to change his situation, which will cause more and more frustration.
Your future is in your hands
Accept reality and do something so that in the future you can get out of that situation that makes you unhappy. Not everything can be to our liking, nor can all the people around us be the same as us. Therefore, acceptance will be your best ally to lead a less stressful life.
Open your mind to new possibilities and, even if your environment and your life are not what you want now, they can be in the future if you sow in the present. Rome was not built in a day, nor are great achievements the result of today for tomorrow. Every broth has its cooking time. But, the results, sooner or later, come out. They become evident.
Do not give up in your attempts. We all have the power to create and change our lives. Remember that every small step, every small continuous action, will become something big in the future.