Home » Homemade Remedies » The jet that removes deodorant stains from white, black or colored clothes

The jet that removes deodorant stains from white, black or colored clothes

Summer, in fact, although it has not yet officially arrived, would literally stick to our skin and we would wear it even outside the beach. At work, between errands, or even just standing around, the sign of your constant presence would be sweat, which would start to get serious again.

In essence, we find ourselves, overnight, saying goodbye to dry, silky skin and reluctantly welcoming oily, sweat-soaked skin. However, the most significant change usually occurs in the armpits, which can become open faucets.

The downside of this intense activity would not only be constantly wet T-shirts and shirts, but also semi-permanent yellow halos and odious deodorant stains.

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It is true that this would help us not to smell, but very often it would leave white stains, which can become embedded and are difficult to remove. However, to make cleaning easier, we can count on the help of some natural products, which will stop turning one of the typical summer problems into a nightmare.

As we said, the white, crusty stains left by any armpit deodorant would be a true summer constant.

To remedy the problem, we could try creating a 100% natural scent spray with stain-repellent, breathable and absorbent products.

However, if at this point the damage is done, we can cover ourselves with proper cleaning. Also in this case, natural products come to the rescue, removing stains without damaging the fabrics.

white clothes

For all white t-shirts, shirts or tops, we can try a solution based on lemon juice and salt. Both would have a whitening and cleaning action, and the lemon juice would act as a disinfectant.

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To use them together, we must make a cream by mixing the juice of one lemon and a tablespoon of salt. Then, working on dry clothes, we must spread it on the stains, leave it for 10 minutes and finally proceed to the usual washing.

black clothes

If, on the other hand, we were wondering how to remove deodorant stains, even the most stubborn ones, from black clothing, here we have a solution that can help us. Simply moisten the stains with white wine vinegar, wiping with a cotton ball, and then pour half a teaspoon of baking soda over them and rub gently.

After waiting 10 minutes, we can proceed to the usual washing. Additionally, to brighten the color, we can soak it with water and a few cups of cold coffee.

Colored clothing

Finally, for colored garments we can use Marseille soap, which we can spread directly on the dried deodorant stains.

Next, we must proceed to soak in warm water, trying to soak only the treated area, and we must complete the procedure with the usual washing.

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