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Temporomandibular tension: how is it related to stress?

Pain in the jaw that reaches the ear, discomfort when speaking or eating… Behind the temporomandibular tension syndrome is usually stress maintained over time and not managed. We explain the causes and strategies to alleviate this condition.

Stress and temporomandibular tension syndrome are often related. Jaw pain and discomfort when speaking, yawning and even eating are conditions that affect more and more people. It is not coincidental. With the increase in stress and anxiety disorders, this reality is a characteristic manifestation that dentists see every day in their offices.

Temporomandibular syndrome (TMS) or Costen syndrome is basicallythat pain that is centered in the area of ​​​​the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. It usually appears in the morning, just when we wake up and feel a sting in our teeth; Little by little, we realize that it is more intense when we talk or try to eat.

Since then, Other discomforts can be added: ear congestion, tinnitus, headache, neck tension… There usually comes a moment when the discomfort is so intense, diffuse and constant that the person feels overwhelmed. It is important to know this condition and its triggers.

Let’s delve into this topic.

Stress and temporomandibular tension syndrome: characteristics, causes and treatment

If we had to define what the temporomandibular joint is like, it would be enough to visualize a hinge. It is a key area that connects the jaw to the side of the head. With this image we can sense how decisive this area is for almost any daily activity… The simple act of yawning in the morning when we wake up is just the prelude to what comes later. Talking, chewing, eating, drinking…

If we experience pain, it is enough to also remember that this is not just any joint. The temporo-mandibular region integrates multiple structures: cartilaginous discs, muscles, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, our teeth and finally, it also reaches the ears and neck area.

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Temporomandibular syndrome (TMS) was not a disorder that was talked about much until long ago; however, In recent years its incidence continues to increase.

What symptoms does temporo-mandibular syndrome present?

Stress and temporomandibular syndrome usually appear together. However, the most common thing is that people first go to the dentist due to discomfort in that region, without relating this ailment to a psychological disorder.

On average, this temporomandibular pain is more common among women between 30 and 50 years old.

Dental pain appears.Many people define this suffering as having a dislocated jaw. This area hurts and feels heavy as if we had been hit.The pain is more evident when talking or eating.Difficulty and pain when opening the mouth. It is common to experience noises or clicking when opening, closing or chewing.Stiffness in the jaws.Pain in or around the ears. Also in the temples. Changes in the bite.Sensitive and worn teeth.Likewise, neck pain may also appear. Many patients suffer from tinnitus. Also Headaches may appear.

What usually is the cause?

Stress and temporomandibular syndrome are often two sides of the same coin. However, it is always necessary to have an adequate diagnosis from experts. Thus, and on average, it is necessary to talk about the following triggers:

Dental disorders: poor alignment of the teeth can lead to bruxism and this temporomandibular pain. On the other hand, and In more than 70% of cases, the trigger is stress. In a study carried out at the State University (Brazil) they describe how this disorder is increasingly common in the university population. Worries, unmanaged emotions, pressure and everyday problems make this discomfort a frequent reason for visits to the dentist’s offices.Likewise, The origin also usually lies in anatomical aspects, in dislocations in this area of ​​the jaw, trauma, muscle problems and even neurological disorders.

Stress and temporomandibular tension syndrome, how is it treated?

We know that stress and temporomandibular tension syndrome have a close relationship. We also see that in recent years, and due to the increase in stress and anxiety disorders, this and other physical manifestations are undoubtedly limiting our quality of life.

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In this situations the attention and supervision of several experts (doctors and psychologists) is advisable. In the case of dentists, they can choose the following strategies:

Stabilization splints. They are those devices aimed at reducing muscle pain by exerting jaw pressure. With them, we stop bruxism and also modify the sensory stimulation of said area.Physiotherapy. In addition to classic splints, a treatment based on jaw physiotherapy is also very beneficial. It usually gives good results and greatly improves this problem. On the other hand, and to treat what is in many cases the underlying problem (stress), it is advisable to integrate various techniques into our routine. Diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization or even yoga they can be of help to us.

However, if we have had this condition and other additional conditions for several months, such as insomnia, it is advisable to consult with a psychologist. Sometimes, we feel overwhelmed by both the physical symptoms and those psychological triggers that are limiting our life. Asking for help is the best step, the most recommended.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Viviane Gontijo Augusto, Keity Cristina Bueno Perina (2016) Temporomandibular dysfunction, stress and mental disorders. 2016 November-December; Orthopedic records. 24 (6): 330–333. doi:10.1590/1413-785220162406162873

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