Home » Homemade Remedies » Mercadona tree oil that eliminates bad odors from our refrigerator forever

Mercadona tree oil that eliminates bad odors from our refrigerator forever

Even if our apartment is perfectly sanitized and clean, some rooms may have unpleasant odors. For example, clogged drains in the bathroom can give off an unpleasant odor.

But it is in the kitchen where most unpleasant odors accumulate. Think of the garbage can, which can attract mice and ants, or the stench of fried food, which can quickly permeate curtains, cushions and spread to other rooms.

But who has never had it happen to open the refrigerator door and smell a bad smell? We are talking about a domestic problem that we all have to face sooner or later.

The cause of these unpleasant aromas may be some food that has spoiled or foods with a strong and persistent odor such as cheese, onion, fish, etc. There are many products that help us solve the situation, but first let's see how to keep the refrigerator clean at all times to avoid the formation of dangerous mold.

It is very important to do a thorough cleaning at least once a month. We take out all the food, wash the inside well with a sponge and neutral detergent and rinse. Let's not forget to clean the joint. For greater safety, we unplug the device.

Grandma's classic remedies

As we have seen in the previous lines, fresh foods are those that usually give off a bad smell. Therefore, to prevent them from spoiling, it would be essential to check their condition often and place them in the appropriate part of the refrigerator. Once placed on the shelves, we keep those that are going to be consumed immediately in front.

Here we come, then, to the homemade methods to eliminate bad odors from the refrigerator.

We can use many products. The old vinegar, the lemon and the coffee grounds. Even potatoes have the ability to neutralize bad odors. But not everyone knows that mixing two particular products could help prevent and capture unpleasant odor.

This is baking soda, known for its cleaning, whitening and anti-odor properties. And tea tree oil, an oil with countless benefits. In fact, it would be used to remove mold from walls, sanitize clothing, and clean surfaces. A product that you can find in any Mercadona supermarket since Deliplus, the cosmetics brand of the Valencian chain, sells it for less than 5 euros. Its name is Arovore do Chá Tea Tree Oil.

To eliminate bad odors from inside the refrigerator, simply pour a glass of baking soda and a few drops of tea tree oil into a glass container. We mix these products and leave the jar on the top shelf. Thanks to this home remedy, we will no longer have bad odors and rotten stench from the refrigerator. Remember to change the container every week.

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