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Fracture, when reality does not correspond to the truth

Fracture is one of the best psychological thrillers of recent years. Intrigue, mystery and confusion are its main ingredients.

The mind has a potential that can directly influence people’s lives, to such an extent that it affects everyday actions or even conscious acts. To analyze what force it exerts on people, we can take the film as a reference. Fracture, when in reality it does not correspond to the truth.

This Netflix production is consolidated as one of the most transcendental due to the controversy that arises in the story itself. It has received criticism of all kinds, for and against; There is no doubt that it involves the viewer directly, making them think about everything that is happening.

To delve deeper into the story, we are going to carry out a more precise reflection from a psychological point of view.

Fracture, a thriller with suspense, action and tension

The story takes place in the United States. A family is going to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family and in the middle of the trip they stop at a gas station. The protagonist, Ray Monroe, played by Sam Worthington, at one point stops paying attention to his daughter; she this she falls into a warehouse and breaks her arm.

Joanne Monroe (the mother), played by Lily Rabe, notices the accident and, together, they help the girl. Next, they take her to the hospital, where mother and daughter seem to disappear, without anyone claiming to know them after having entered.

The film is classified as a psychological thriller that, broadly speaking, tries to generate a state of continuous tension in the viewer, conveying the same uneasiness that the main character feels when not knowing what is happening.

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“The mind of man is capable of anything.”

-Joseph Conrad-

Reality does not correspond to the truth

The protagonist tries to look for clues that show that the woman and daughter were admitted to the hospital emergency room. Thus, the viewer can also do this process:

The film clearly shows how mother and daughter enter the hospital, doing the necessary paperwork for the little girl’s admission. The father, upon losing the trail, begins to look for them. This way, The viewer is encouraged to put themselves in the shoes of the protagonist and also try to interpret the events.The scenes that appear are realistic. It is thus certified that something strange, to say the least, is happening; That is to say, it is known that the father may be right, despite the fact that he is accused of being unbalanced and that it is all a possible conspiracy against him. It is proven, therefore, that psychology is the protagonist in the plot. Throughout the film, we see how the father loses control at some moments, with behaviors that may seem inappropriate to those who do not believe or know the sequence. of events; However, the scenes during the development do not show this, as he manages to find the wife and daughter on an inaccessible ground floor. This is where the story is resolved, since he does not really find them, being his own invention that the mind has created.

Fracture challenges the viewer to choose what they have seen is true and what is just a trick of the father’s head; That is, if everything is a conspiracy against the protagonist or if it is all in his mind. It plays with doubt, the same one with which the director intends to introduce the viewer into the film.

The outcome of Fracture

NOTE: We recommend that if you have not seen the movie, you do so and then return to the article at this point.

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In the end, everything is the fruit of your imagination. He had murdered his wife and his daughter, but he He preferred to create an alternative reality that was not true, in such a way that it convinces itself of the events that happen and involves the viewer in them. In this way, he suffers a psychotic break and causes a homicide, something that he does not want to recognize and generates hallucinations of which he is convinced.

According to psychologist Cristina Blanco, a psychotic disorder can produce cognitive impairment and delusional ideas, potentially creating a parallel reality. Similarly, Dr. Pedro Sánchez Escobedo, from the Autonomous University of Yucatán, certifies the realism that a psychotic reaction can entail in a person’s mind to distort it.

This is reflected in the film. A great thriller psychologicalboth for the story and for the interpretation of the characters, as well as for a very careful photography, very in tune with the emotions that we may be feeling at every moment as viewers.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Cortés Ruiz, María José and Gutiérrez-Zotes, Alfonso and Valero Oyarzábal, Joaquín and Jariod Pàmies, Manel and Labad Alquézar, Antonio (2010). Delusions and their relationship with temperament and character in patients with psychotic disorder. Psychothema, 22 (1), 84-91. . ISSN: 0214-9915. Available at: https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=72712699014García García, A. (2011). Psychology and cinema: crossed lives. UNED. Madrid.Sánchez Escobedo, P. (2008). Clinical psychology. Modern Manual. Mexico.

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