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Let live tousle you

Everything beautiful in this life messes up, running on the beach is messy, going on a roller coaster is messy, making love is messy, dancing is messy, laughing out loud is messy, riding a bike is messy, kissing the person you love is messy. So let life mess you up.

Have you noticed the expression of most people walking down the street? What makes you want to ruffle their hair? Surely they have not yet let life ruin their hair, surely they have not stopped to think that this day will not be repeated again and that You have to enjoy every minute and squeeze all the juice out of life..

“May life ruffle your hair and may love undress you”

-Ulises Sánchez-

Decide and let life mess you up

I don’t want to be an impeccable woman, with her hair combed, who always walks straight, who is always serious, who exercises regularly, who goes on a diet to be thinner, who always arrives on time, who always says what she is expected to say. and it does what it’s supposed to do. I have decided to give myself the order to be happy and live the life that bothers me.

Fall in love

When was the last time you let yourself go? Perhaps too much time has passed and the time has come to untie yourself from the prejudices that limit you, to live this moment with intensity.

If you like someone tell them, if you want to kiss that person you like so much kiss them, if you need to say “I love you” say it. No one can control who they fall in love with and loving someone is always a risk. Be brave and live what you want to live.

“I have loved until I reached madness; “And what they call madness, for me, is the only sensible way to love.”

-Françoise Sagan-

Cry with or without reason

If tears come to your eyes when a leaf falls from a tree, let them fall. If you get emotional in front of someone, express your feelings. You can cry with joy or sorrow, No one can put limits on your tears. Let them out and be yourself.

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Sing and dance like nobody’s watching

If you hear one of your favorite songs and you want to sing, do it, let your hair fly, let the music mess up your hair, dance and sing as if no one is watching, it doesn’t matter if you do it right or wrong, it’s you enjoying your life and you song. It is the melody of your life that is heard.

Kiss with passion

Kiss with your whole body, with your whole heart, feel how the emotion of a kiss floods your heart. Ruffle your hair with your kisses and let the kisses ruffle your hair. Feel your lips, how they slide on the edge of a kiss that is yours, that you deliver with all your passion.

Hug with all your soul

Give hugs, with all your soul, feel the strength of your arms as you surround another person and lean on their shoulder, feel how they protect you with that hug that is warmth, that is life. No matter the time or place, hug when your heart tells you to.

Feel your emotions

Sometimes you will feel anger, other times fear, joy, sadness, excitement… The important thing is that you learn to feel those emotions, to listen to what your soul tells you., to know how to understand yourself and be at peace with yourself. Expressing what you feel should not embarrass you, it is releasing what you are, it is letting out what is in you. It doesn’t matter that you feel vulnerable, getting emotional is being brave, it is daring to open our soul to others and to ourselves.

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And if life upsets you…

If after every hug, every kiss, every dance, every song, you look in the mirror, you will see a woman with disheveled hair and a smile of excitement for life, for that life that makes you yourself. Let life ruffle your hair, so you will know that you have lived and that you have been very happy.

“Make love, give yourself, eat delicious, kiss, hug, dance, fall in love, relax, travel, jump, go to bed late, get up early, run, fly, sing, be pretty, make yourself comfortable, admire the landscape, enjoy, and above all everything, let life ruffle your hair. The worst thing that can happen to you is that, smiling in front of the mirror, you have to comb your hair again.”

-Quino (Mafalda)-

Let life ruffle your hair, enjoy it and experience it in all its essence. Without limiting you.

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