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You want to feel loved, but do you love yourself enough?

All of us want to be loved and respected as human beings. But for this we have to be consistent when it comes to feeling love towards ourselves . Loving yourself is easier than it seems…

Remember that We reflect in others what we truly feel and think about our own being. In today’s article I invite you to take a deep breath and start practicing some tips from this list. You will achieve inner balance and a pleasant feeling of comfort, you will begin to love yourself. Check it!

Loving yourself is wonderful. You are the most important person in your life. Who understands you best, who you are always with. Don’t tear down everything you are. Value yourself as you deserve

Do not compare yourself with others

You already know that each of us are unique and unrepeatable human beings. We achieve our achievements and goals in different ways. Avoid comparing yourself to those around you unnecessarily, looking for “the mistakes” you think you are making.

The only thing you will generate is frustration towards yourself and possibly blocking your true talents and unique potentials. Each of us has gone through different experiences and relationships, comparing ourselves is useless.

Also feed yourself with what gives you energy

Remember that we are what we feel on the outside and how we love ourselves on the inside. Sports and physical activity not only keep you fit, but also provide you with serenity and fulfillment. and the care you need to be in harmony with yourself. Start loving and accepting your body as you are. Loving yourself is very healthy!

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Enjoy more with your friends

True friends are forever. They are there for both the good and the “less good“. Learn to value your friends and offer them the best of yourself, then they will be forever. Don’t forget that ““two heads are worth more than one.” and even more so when trying to enjoy a full life.

A friend loves us with our virtues and our defects

Take time for yourself

Spending time with ourselves helps us listen to ourselves, value ourselves and maintain a peace that allows us a healthy enjoyment of ourselves. It’s the beginning of loving yourself. It’s not bad that after having had a hard day at work you want to stay at home calmly and say “No” to an attractive plan with your friends or partner.

Spend some time outside your routine space

Dare to leave your comfort zone and discover new places or spaces. Taking walks through places unknown to you allow you to discover and experience new sensations, feel alive and possibly acquire new learning.

If someone hurt you, let them go

Remember that A person who causes you emotional damage is not appropriate in your life. You can give it a chance and talk things out, of course. But if the negative situation continues after that, you are not the solution.

In a relationship, both parties have to act, and if one does not want to do their part, you do not need to continue wasting your energy. Let it go, you’re not always going to be pulling it, you deserve to rest too.

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Tell your loved ones how much you love them

At some point in our lives we all have to leave. Remember that To live and enjoy life is to love unconditionally and share that feeling with those you love. Don’t be ashamed to tell your mother, uncle, brother, friend and partner how much you love them.

When your loved ones are no longer in this world, you will be sad that you did not take advantage of the opportunity to share those precious words. It is better not to leave anything unsaid.

Take care of yourself

Your emotional state will depend on your appearance and how you take care of yourself, your essence. We are on the outside what we are on the inside, don’t forget that. The importance of taking care of our body and doing sports when it comes to staying in shape helps us to leave behind stress and the energy that comes from those emotions that we have not yet had the opportunity to manage properly.

Laugh at yourself

Turn your mistakes into laughter. As? Not taking things so personally and remembering that we made mistakes to acquire learning. Many scientific studies corroborate that Laughter It is one of the best physical and emotional resources of the human being. when it comes to putting aside less positive emotions and overcoming stress. Also, remember that a smile generates well-being in yourself and around you; it is a good help to start loving yourself.

Remember that your life is not about pleasing others

Accept and love yourself just as you are. Loving you is simpler than it seems. Remember the wise words of Buddha: ”You yourself, like no one else in the universe, deserve your love and loyalty.” Many times we worry excessively about “what they will say” or if others think right or wrong about our actions, those that make us truly ourselves. Learn to let go of everything that conditions you.

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Doing good will attract good to your life

Karma exists, and also as something divine that leads us to learn every day of our lives. Learn the wonderful formula of “Life will give you back what you harvest.”

I once learned that If you want to help those you love you have to be consistent when it comes to setting an example. If you say, assume what you do and its consequences. Do not preach with what you do not carry out in your own life.

Loving yourself will bring you pleasant advantages. You can’t love others if you don’t start with yourself. Do it, pamper yourself, take care of yourself. You are important, never doubt it.

Image courtesy of Amanda Cass.

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