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“Haiku”, Japanese poetry to release emotions

The “haiku” is a poem that connects you with the present moment to channel emotions. It is an artistic resource that acts as a therapeutic tool. Find out!

He haiku is a short poem inspired by the emotion of the moment, amazement and the connection with nature. It is a Japanese tradition through which the soul is bared to promote reflection and even emotional well-being. In fact, given its cathartic and liberating effect, you are looking at a very interesting psychological tool.

This type of literary and therapeutic resource had its beginning in the 17th century thanks to such outstanding figures as the poet Matsuo Bashō. His ability to capture and distill a fleeting natural image was as magical as it was inspiring. We suggest the following reading to understand this art a little better, and even use it to your advantage.

«I cut down a tree.
I look at the broken trunk.
Full moon.”

Matsuo Bashō (By Mountain Paths, 2013)

What is a “haiku”?

A haiku It is a form of traditional poetry originating in Japan, made up of a three-line structure. The first usually has 5 syllables, the second has 7 and the third again has 5. It should be noted that it was not until the 19th century when it received the name we know. He did it at the hands of the Japanese writer Masaoka Shiki.

On the other hand, Reginald Horace Blyth’s book, A History of Haiku (1963), describes that Thanks to writers like Yone Noguchi, this type of poetry made its inroads into the English language. From that moment on, it spread throughout Europe. In fact, figures such as Antonio Machado or Federico García Lorca also ventured into it.

Simplicity, reflection and contemplation

It is often described haiku like the ability to look at the universal with the curious eyes of a child, to transcend from the ordinary to the magical. Something like this involves turning off the noise of obsessive and ruminative thinking, with the purpose of remaining contained in the emotion of the moment.

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For many, It’s almost like looking at the world through a dewdrop. In that moment, you stay connected to the present moment, but from a different, more intense and even luminous perspective. The beauty of these poems is, without a doubt, in their simplicity and the virtue of placing the focus on everyday elements that are fleeting at the same time.

A psychological tool

Robert Epstein is a well-known writer and psychologist from Harvard University. Through books like The Sacred In Contemporary Haiku (2014) exposes and defends the benefits of using this type of poems in psychological therapy. According to him, “writing a good haiku “It works wonders on the weary soul.” Let us analyze, below, the advantages of this resource in the present area:

1. Decrease in depressive symptoms

The journal Empirical Studies of the Arts published a study analyzing the benefits of this artistic resource. What they were able to verify is that, Narrative writing can relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. He haikuFurthermore, it enhances creativity and that look that addresses the world with greater sensitivity.

2. Emotional expression

If you are a lover of this type of art, you will undoubtedly know the benefits it generates on an emotional level. Write haiku, like composing any other type of poems, is a very healing exercise for mental health. What’s more, from the Journal of Medical Humanities, they describe that writing poetry alleviates loneliness and this was beneficial during the pandemic.

In fact, even if you see the verses of the haiku Very concise, they will allow you to express emotions and feelings in a cathartic way. This form of self-expression is very therapeutic for processing those most difficult internal states.

3.Amindfulness and stress reduction

You will be interested to discover that This type of art allows you to observe and capture present moments in a more conscious way. It is a sensational way to connect with the here and now, to practice mindfulness to become more aware of the details that surround you and also of what is happening inside you.

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This type of concentration and creation acts as a sensational escape and relaxation mechanism.. In that small effort to search for suitable words and the specific structure of the haiku, your mind avoids worries. Almost without you realizing it, you avoid daily stress to travel to a more peaceful dimension.

4. Creativity and self-discovery

Paying attention to your environment, the natural phenomena that surround you, and reflecting on them through words is, without a doubt, a stimulating and healthy task. To compose haiku It requires a very special cognitive effort that will boost the power of your creativity. It is a task that also leads you to self-discovery and new forms of expression.

5. Reinforcement of self-esteem

Successfully creating this type of traditional Japanese poem can give you a pleasant feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. Because it not only acts as exercise in order to channel your emotions and release stress. Additionally, you will discover that you have good writing skills, and this can increase your self-esteem and self-confidence.

How to write a good Haiku

If you want to get started in this therapeutic art, you can use as a reference works as interesting as Haiku-dô: Haiku as a spiritual path, by Vicente Haya and Akiko Yamada. It is a very inspiring book. However, it should be noted that master this resource you need time and practice. We give you some simple tips below:


Remember that the metric of the haiku Japanese consists, almost always, of 17 syllables organized in three lines. The first has 5, the second 7 and the last again has 5 syllables. On the other hand, It is common for these verses to start from two juxtaposed ideas to create a kind of internal comparison. This would be an example:

«This spring in my cabin

Absolutely nothing

Absolutely everything”

-Yamagushi Sodo-


To elaborate your haiku The ideal is to start from the observation of nature, your emotions and everyday moments.. Pay attention to what surrounds you, the way the light caresses objects, how the breeze stirs the trees or how you feel at this very moment. Do a creative exercise between observation and reflection.

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General guidelines

He haiku It has no rhyme or title. It is not necessary to resort to the verb to be. The rule is simplicity. They are not discursive or finished poems. A good haiku capture the present moment. These poems are something private and that only you understand. Don’t imitate, let yourself go, be inspired by what you see and feel. A good poem requires intimacy, awareness and emotional freedom.

Some examples of “haikus”

Below we present some haiku of writers and poets who dabbled in this technique and who can serve as inspiration. However, keep in mind that the most decisive thing is to be original, to let your mind dare, play and connect with the immediate moment and what lives in your heart.

Matsuo Bashō

“Moonless night.
The storm crushes
the old cedars

Yosa Buson

«Under the summer rain
The path
He disappeared”

Kabayashi Issa

«The butterfly flutters
as if desperate
in this world”

Mario Benedetti

«The dew trembles
and the purple leaves
and a hummingbird

Octavio Paz

«Made of air
between pines and rocks
the poem springs»

Watanabe Hakusen

«Last night I covered
my sleeping children
and the noise of the sea

Poems that heal

A good haiku It is a brushstroke in the present time arising from the heart of the person who writes it. It is a channel made of suggestive lyrics that contain your emotions and sensations. If you dare to take the step and use it as a therapeutic tool, remember that The magic of these resources appears in the third verse.

It is there where The first two serve as a simple introduction to leave the best impression on the last one. Do not hesitate to start this practice of ancient origins capable of relieving your stress and enhancing your creativity.

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