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7 steps to feel good about yourself

Being good with oneself is the pillar of psychological balance and the engine that ignites the capacity for achievement, motivation and the ability to build happy relationships. We analyze the keys to achieve it.

Feeling good about yourself is the best gift we can give ourselves.. Is not easy. This psychological craft requires attention and practice. Human beings can be their own worst enemy, being especially cruel when they systematically prioritize the well-being of others before their own. Leaving what happens inside in the background and not attending to our mental garden ends up taking its toll.

There are times better than others. It is impossible to be 100% every day and in every circumstance.; After all, we are not robots, we are made of skin, bones, neurons and many insecurities. This means that personal well-being is not a constant slope curve. However, beyond these emotional fluctuations, it is necessary to awaken internal strengths.

Dimensions such as self-esteem, self-control or correct emotional regulation are nutrients that allow us to optimize this internal harmony. And let’s be clear… Nothing is as cathartic, healthy and motivating as feeling harmony and well-being with what we are and feel.. We analyze it.

“Remember, you’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try to approve of yourself and see what happens.”

-Louise L. Hay-

Strategies to feel good about yourself

Feeling good about yourself is not a skill that comes to us from the factory. Sometimes, it is even difficult to put it into practice because our family environment did not favor this competence. Because Being well with one’s own being integrates a good number of processes that must be put into practice from childhood.guided by the affection of our parents.

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Those who grow up without feeling validated and loved will have serious difficulties loving themselves. However, as the neurologist, psychiatrist and father of resilience Boris Cyrulnik pointed out, in the end We are forced to metamorphose the pain of yesterday to rebuild ourselves in a more complete, strong and brilliant way.. This necessarily involves learning to feel good about yourself.

1. Accept yourself as a person (but work on what needs to be improved)

Acceptance of what we are and how we are mediates the quality of life and integrates another aspect that we cannot lose sight of. By accepting ourselves as a person we also become aware of our limitations, edges and weaknesses, those we should work on.

Now, acceptance does not mean giving in to those aspects that we do not like about ourselves and that limit our well-being. If we accept ourselves as we are, we also take responsibility for the areas we must change to be our best version. This forces us, for example, to improve self-confidence, social skills, self-love, etc

2. Have self-control to be happier

Self-control to master emotions, to guide behavior towards objectives, to reduce impulsivity and have greater self-awareness… This is another essential pillar on which we can work.

Studies, such as those carried out at the University of Utrecht, remind that People with greater self-control demonstrate better personal and life satisfaction.

The moment you take control of your emotions, thoughts and behaviors, you move through life better, you relate satisfactorily and you optimally guide your behaviors to achieve what you want. All of this influences your self-esteem.

3. Practice self-care as a priority

To feel good about yourself you have to give yourself what you need. Self-care is not about offering ourselves a relaxing bath, a good meal or a restful afternoon. Is much more. Self-care requires certain doses of courage because sometimes you have to make big changes.

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If we want to be good with ourselves, we may have to put aside certain practices, scenarios, and even people.. Giving ourselves what we need is remembering that we deserve to be well, treat ourselves with compassion and make decisions that benefit us because at the end of the day we are our priority.

3. Overcome fears

Happiness is living without fear, ironing out insecurities and get around the comfort zone to discover what more life can give us. We must dare to face fears to feel free and fulfilled.

4. Cultivate self-confidence

Self-confidence is the ability to feel valid and capable of achieving what we set out to do. It is trusting in one’s own resources, knowing that if we already achieved certain things in the past, we can achieve many more.

Only when we see ourselves as competent people in the journey of existence and in its adversities do we advance in maturity and capacity.

5. Be our best ally

To feel good about ourselves we have to learn to be our best ally, not an enemy. That requires work daily on self-love, self-respect and self-compassion. Thus, research works, such as those carried out at the University of Alexandria, remember something important.

Psychological well-being depends on a dimension that underpins each area of ​​who we are: self-esteem. It is more than just “loving ourselves” it is, for example, making use of a healthy internal dialogue, stopping judging ourselves, not obsessing about achieving acceptance from everyone around us, etc.

6. Being good with oneself is feeding the daily illusion

Good management of short and long-term goals contributes to personal well-being. It means nurturing hope to be able to motivate ourselves, give energy to our daily lives and encouragement for the future that is to come. These objectives must be made up of dimensions that we like and that are in tune with what we are and what defines us.

7. Take care of what we want, know how to say no to what is not convenient

There is one last dimension that we must attend to, even prioritize. To feel good about yourself, it is advisable to learn to say no to what does not suit us or takes away our peace, while we take care of what we love.. These dimensions are acts of wisdom and psychological well-being that we gain by promoting, with responsibility, with commitment.

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To conclude, in this journey of self-care, we cannot leave ourselves aside at any time. We are our priority, we are our best ally in good and bad times. Let’s take care of ourselves as we deserve and need.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Abdel-Khalek, Ahmed. (2016). Introduction to the Psychology of self-esteem.Cheung, TT, Gillebaart, M., Kroese, F., & De Ridder, D. (2014). Why are people with high self-control happier? The effect of trait self-control on happiness as mediated by regulatory focus. Frontiers in psychology, 5, 722. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00722Jain, Chaya & Apple, Daniel. (2015). What is Self-Growth? International Journal of Process Education. 7. 41-52.

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