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The ideal lighting in the bedroom to rest better

Sleeping well has many benefits, both in our health and in our mood. And bedroom lighting is one of the keys to achieving a restful sleep and optimizing our sleep cycles. Let’s go in parts. Humans We are programmed to get up with the sun and go to bed when it gets dark.. But, most of the time, these cycles do not coincide with our schedules, and this causes us to rest poorly and our performance is lower, in addition to having negative consequences in our state of mind.

When we sleep we produce a hormone called melatonin and that helps us in the natural cycles of the soil. It is in charge of regulate our biological clock and can be seen directly affected by light: causes sleep at night –when there is no light– and It makes us wake up when there is more light. According to a study in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolismin English), “compared to dim light, exposure to light in the room before bedtime suppresses melatonin, affecting sleep, thermoregulation, blood pressure, and glucose autoregulation.”

How lighting affects sleep cycles

Our daily cycles respond to light and darkness in the environment. They are what are called circadian cycles and they are present in animals, plants and other organisms. That’s why, When our body absorbs too much light of the wrong type, our sleep cycle can be disrupted. During the day, the sun emits white to blue light that helps us stay awake and alert, since this type of light suppresses melatonin. When it begins to get dark, our body begins to produce this hormone that causes us to relax and become sleepy.. When does it start the problem? When we see each other in the bedroom exposed to this white lightour sleep cycles are affected, as we stop producing serotonin and we feel active.

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As he type of lighting, time that we are exposed to it and the color of light It can have negative effects on our internal clock. To prevent this from happening, we offer you several solutions that will help you fall asleep and rest – truly.

Lighting for better sleep

Until recently, light bulbs only offered warm light (what we call yellow) or cold light – common in kitchens, work spaces, garages… -. Now, many light bulbs also imitate natural light, similar to what the sun gives. Although this type of light is perfect for the activities we do during the day, At night it is best to use dimmer, warmer lighting.: This will signal to our brain that it is time to relax and prepare for a restful night’s sleep.

Ideally, you should place it in your bedroom. bulbs that provide warm light, that is, about 2,800 degrees Kelvin. Put them, at least, in the lamps located on the nightstand, whether desktop or hanging. Another option is the dimmable LED bulbswhich allow you to regulate the power of the bulb, being able to adapt its intensity according to the activity you are doing. The ones that change color They will also allow you to adjust the light temperature, ideal for those who carry out other activities in the bedroom. And if your house is home-automated, you can configure them according to the schedules so that they give one type of light or another.

The mobile phone, the tablet, the television… the screens in general they are bad company in the bedroom. The blue light they emit reduces serotonin and affects our circadian rhythm, affecting our sleep cycle. The best? Banish them from the room. When you go to sleep, the ideal is receive as few stimuli as possible. Get a alarm clock of all life and leave your electronic devices in the living room. You will see how your sleep improves and you sleep like a little angel. Do you want more tricks to sleep like a baby? We have them all.

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