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How to know if my partner has Tinder – find out here

Nowadays, it is very common for us to use social networks to meet and interact with people and, in the process, try to find a partner online. One of the most used web applications in recent years to meet people is Tindera social network that has the reputation of being a kind of tool that allows us to link with people from the couch in our house, sometimes even to have a little adventure online without our partner finding out.

If for some time now you have suspected that your partner could be cheating on you online, in the following unCOMO article we will help you find out. Keep reading these lines to discover how to know if my partner has Tinder through two very simple methods.

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How to find out if my partner is on Tinder through GPS

Tinder is an application that is generally used to flirt and date new people, so a person with a partner should not be on a social network with these characteristics. If you suspect that your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you through this app, you can clear up your doubts if you follow the following step by step:

Download the application on your mobile, either through the Play Store, App Store or Windows Phone Store, depending on the operating system your phone uses. Enter the application with your mobile and sign up via Facebook. It is important that you do this, since Tinder is connected to this social network and, therefore, will allow you to see if the people who will appear to you have friends in common with you. Don’t worry about your confidentiality, as Tinder won’t post anything on Facebook about your use. Once you sign up, Tinder will start showing you random profiles of people and you can chat with them by clicking a green heart or discarding that one. person if you hit the X. Therefore, you will have to go through profiles until you find your partner’s, if they are using the app. To narrow down your search and make it easier to find your boyfriend/girlfriend, it is recommended that change the distance parameters. To do this, you just have to go to the Settings menu within the app and change the distance from approximately 1 to 5 kilometers. This way, if your partner lives very close to you or even in the same house as you, it will be a matter of time your profile to appear if you are on Tinder.

How to find out if my partner is on Tinder via Swipe Buster

Do you still have suspicions that your partner may have Tinder? There is an alternative, and it’s called SwipeBuster.

SwipeBuster It is a website also known as “the Tinder snitch”since it allows you to know if your boyfriend/girlfriend is being unfaithful to you through this app by paying a very affordable price that is around 4 euros. If you are convinced that you want to use it, you will only have to fill out a form where you will have to write the full name of the person you want to search for, the location or city in which they currently live, their age and gender.

Once you have sent the form and made a prior payment, SwipBuster will send you the data it has found to the email address you indicated in the questionnaire. In the event that you have located your partner on Tinder, will send you a very complete report of your activity: detailed profile information, photographs used by the user, last connection time and even the interests you have marked in the application.

Furthermore, although it does not stop working as a spy, you should not worry about violating any privacy regulations, since the creators of SwipeBuster ensure that the data collection they carry out is done through the Tinder programming interface, a tool that It is public and therefore is available to anyone.

If you liked this article about how to know if my partner is on Tinder, you may be interested in this other one about How to know if my partner is on Badoo.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to know if my partner has Tinder – find out herewe recommend that you enter our Sentimental Relationships category.

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