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How to propose to a woman – 6 steps

Even masculine bravery is vulnerable to the nerves of a statement! And there is nothing more complicated for the human being, without distinction of gender, than confessing one’s love and talk openly about your feelings. To this, we must add the fear of not being reciprocated, the fear of disappointment or the uncertainty of how the declaration speech will come out.

How to propose to a woman? It is not a simple question, but since we know that there is nothing more complex than expressing emotions and falling in love, in this OneHowTo article we offer you a guide so that talking to that girl and telling her what you feel is a complete success.

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Steps to follow:

The first thing you should do to propose to a woman is be clear about your emotionss. What do you feel? Love, desire, whim, attraction? Once you are clear about what your interests are with this girl, you will be able to know if it is really worth confessing your emotions and how you can do it. Once you make the decision, don’t delay in scheduling a meeting.


To propose to a woman, it is best to ask her out.. Call her and tell her to meet for lunch, have a coffee or enjoy an ice cream, the important thing is that you choose a place and a plan where you can talk comfortably without being interrupted and that there is not too much of you so that you can express yourself without having to repeat yourself. statement twice.

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At OneHowTo we give you a series of tips so that you can get a date with the person you like so much.


Control your nerveswomen have a power of intuition much greater than that of men, therefore it is likely that the girl to whom you are about to confess your love has already known for a long time that your intentions with her go beyond friendship.

Do not prepare a speech, you may rehearse at home and everything turns out perfect, but when you propose to a woman, your nerves will invade you and everything you will say will not even be a shadow of what you practiced. A spontaneous and sincere statement is better because it will come out more naturally and she will like it more.


On the day of the meeting you must look for the right moment in the conversation where you can make your statement. It can be those brief seconds of silence that you have, taking advantage of the fact that there is no topic of conversation to break the ice and say: “there is something I have wanted to tell you for a long time.” After saying that phrase you can get straight to the point and tell her how long you like her or how you realized you wanted to be with her.

If you prefer and are more spontaneous, you can skip the introduction and at a time when she is distracted, call her by name and tell her that you like her. For example: “Adriana, I really like you.” She will no doubt be surprised but you can’t let her reaction deter you from continuing your statement. Speak frankly and tell him what your intentions are.


If by now you are realizing that proposing to a woman will not be possible, then try making an indirect declaration. He starts looking for her more often, court her, invite her to the movies, to dinner, to have a few drinks or for money: everything is valid. This will allow her to become suspicious of your intentions and if she continues to reciprocate your invitations, then: congratulations!

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At OneHowTo we show you how to seduce a woman with words.


Whether the girl’s response goes well or comes out better after your statement, remember that the important thing is to try the impossible to be with the person we love, but if that person does not want to be with us, then another girl will appear for you. Good luck!

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