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How to get a Leo’s attention – 5 steps

The Leo man is one of the most fiery men in the zodiac. Passionate, strong, brave, proud and a little conceited, he is characterized by having a big heart. Leo is a fire sign and its symbol is the king of the jungle, the lion. He is an indomitable soul, with an overwhelming personality and a strong character.

If you are in love with a Leo man, stay tuned to this article because you will be able to know what type of women they like, what attracts them and how to conquer him. At unComo.Com we want to teach you how to get a leo’s attention So that that special person doesn’t escape you, will you dare to conquer the king of the jungle?

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Steps to follow:

Let him take the initiative. Leos are very proud and love to take charge, especially in matters of conquest. Let him ask you out, let him give you the first kiss or decide the plan for the first date. If he sees that you like him and that you accept his way of acting, as long as it is to your liking and without doing anything forced, logically, you will make him happy.

If you are one of those people who doesn’t like being told what to do and prefers to take the initiative, you have chosen a bad travel companion. It will be difficult for one of the two to give in and that will cause absurd discussions that can greatly complicate the relationship. At oneHowTo we tell you what Leo is like in love so that you can know how to relate to him.

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If you are very homely or boring, it is difficult for you to end up getting into it. Leo men are very sociable and they love to surround themselves with friends to enjoy fun plans. They love parties where there are a lot of people so they can bring out their friendly character and be the center of attention. If you are fun, friendly, sociable, you like to go out and meet a lot of people, you are their girl. You will have fun together and have a great time. Because yes: with Leo it is rare that you can get bored.

At OneHowTo we give you some tips so you know how to seduce a Leo.


Leo is very proud and, why not say it, also vain. He loves knowing that you admire him, but what he likes most is when you tell him how fantastic he is. If you are a flatterer and give him your ear, you will have him in the bag. She won’t want to leave your side so that she can hear those delicious words that come from the lips of her admirer (I mean in love) about her person.

We all like to be admired and told how wonderful we are, don’t think that Leo is the only one. What happens is that he knows that he is fantastic and, of course, you have to know it too and the logical thing is that you verbalize it. It’s that simple.


As you see, the man you are in love with and whose attention you are trying to get is not a humble or modest man. But if he is in love with you, you will be his absolute priority. A Leo in love is like a volcano of passion, you will become his world and he will treat you like a queen. Few women will be able to feel so desired, loved and protected than with a Leo. You are with a fire sign, what did you expect?

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Of course, he will ask you for the same in return. Absolute dedication, unconditional love and, above all, fidelity. There is nothing worse than a hurt Leo, as his pride has a lot of power. Most likely, he will not forgive infidelity and he will abandon you as soon as he finds out.


In short, if you want get the attention of a Leo Be fun, sociable, friendly, feed his ego with loving words and be faithful. It’s not that complicated, right? Sure that it will be worth it.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to get a Leo’s attentionwe recommend that you enter our Sentimental Relationships category.

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