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5 types of vagina and how they affect your sexual relations

Each person is different, this phrase can not only be applied to psychological and behavioral characteristics, but we can also use it to talk about our anatomy. We all have peculiarities and traits that distinguish and differentiate us, and sexual organs are no less.

Surely we usually talk more about penises, their size, their shapes and the different types that exist, but did you know that there are also different types of vulva? The different shapes and characteristics in a woman’s intimate region not only have aesthetic relevance, but depending on their distribution, they can make them more prone to some infections or feel more pleasure during relationships. But in the end, all bodies are equally beautiful and the differences are not very relevant. In the following unCOMO article we will talk to you about the 5 types of vagina and how they affect your sexual relations.

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Vagina or vulva? Olympic flame type Bat-tail type Barnacle type Closed eye type Butterfly type

Vagina or vulva?

Before starting to explain the characteristics of the first type of vulva, it seems important to point out that in reality, terms and words are very often confused when referring to this area of ​​the female anatomy. Many people use the word vagina to generally refer to a woman’s private parts. The reality is that this is not entirely accurate, so we should use other terms.

The vulva is the word to use to talk about the external genitalia or the visible parts of the female sexual organs. When we refer to the vulva we are talking about the mons pubis, the labia majora and minora, the clitoris, the orifice of the urethra, the vestibule and the vaginal orifice. vaginafor its part, is a tube of elastic muscles that goes from the cervix to the external genitalia, ending in the vaginal orifice. It normally measures between 5 and 7 centimeters wide and between 5 and 8 centimeters long, although the elastic fabric that forms it can cause it to expand much more. So, although in this article we can use vagina as a synonym for vulva, since it is a term that has become popular, the reality is that they are two different things.

In the following oneHOWTO article we explain the parts of the vagina and female genitalia.

Olympic flame type

The Olympic flame-type vagina gets its name from the shape that its outline draws. Women with this vulva have the hood that covers the clitoris, the area of ​​the vulva where the labia minora on both sides are located, larger than usual. This cap, which is called clitoral foreskin, fulfills the same function in the female anatomy as the male foreskin with the glans; protect the clitoris.

He larger size This mucosal fold can provide some differences on a sexual level, because depending on what you measure, the clitoris may be more hidden. It should be noted that this does not pose any problem for maintaining pleasant relationships, it is simply that it will surely be necessary to stimulate it more and better for it to flourish to the surface.

bata de cola type

The characteristic element of this type of vulva is the size and shape of the labia minora. These are very long, so fall down as if they were the ruffles of a long skirt. There is no problem practicing any position or sex, the pleasure is neither increased nor decreased, it is simply a physical feature that has no more importance.

It is important to note that the vagina, like any other part of the body, can change over the years, the use it is given and the conditions of each woman. That is why the bata de cola vulva is more common in older women, when muscle tone is lost and the labia minora tend to droop.

barnacle type

The name barnacle is another very illustrative simile because the truth is that this type of vagina, like the tasty crustacean, protrudes outwards. The main characteristic of this type of vagina is the clitoris, larger than usual, bulging, so it protrudes between the genital region and does not pose many problems to be found. In this case it is possible that the woman will benefit somewhat on a sexual level. The fact is that when the clitoris is exposed, any movement, rubbing or palpation in the area can greatly stimulate to the woman and make her aroused more easily.

Closed eye type

This vagina is one of the most common, especially in young girls. This vulva has the narrower labia minora, so it remains closed. It does not have any particularly striking features, but is rather uniform. You might think that the fact that it is narrower can make sexual relations more complicated, especially with large penises. The truth is that apart from excessively large penises, not only is there no problem with penetration, by applying more pressure to the vaginal walls, the contact will be greater and the pleasure for both will be greater.

butterfly type

This type of vagina takes its name from a very explanatory simile. The labia minora of women with butterfly vulva are large and very open. These are big like the robe tail ones, but they don’t fall down but fold up to open like a flower. Contrary to what it might seem, accessing the clitoris is a little more complicated than in other vaginas, but if it is stimulated correctly there is no problem for it to protrude.

In this case we repeat that, in general terms, the shape of the genitals does not influence sexual performance and the pleasure derived from it. The importance, as always, is knowing how to know and stimulate the body to excite yourself and your partner.

This article is merely informative, at unCOMO we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor if you have any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to 5 types of vagina and how they affect your sexual relationswe recommend that you enter our Family Health category.

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