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Learn the magic of the needle to know how many children you will have

Do you have a dream of becoming a mother and would you like to know if it will come true in the future? A Needle sympathy to know how many children you will have It has no scientific proof, but it is a way to make waiting more fun by imagining the possibilities. We’ve prepared a step-by-step guide for you, as well as presenting other rituals to help you get pregnant and find out the baby’s sex!

How do I find out how many children I will have in the future?

(Photo: Canva)

A Needle sympathy to know how many children you will have is a popular belief and many women say it really hits the spot, even revealing the sex of each child. Want to test?

You will need:

Way of doing:

Thread the needle. Join the two ends of the thread and hold them with your fingers. Thus, you will have a pendulum. Open your left hand and, next to it, raise and lower the pendulum three times. Position the needle in the center of your hand, but without touching it to the skin. If the pendulum moves in a circular motion, there will be a girl. If you make a straight line, boy. If you don’t balance, you won’t have children. If the pendulum indicated a child, repeat the process again and see if it indicates the arrival of one more. The process only ends when the pendulum does not move. This way, you can know how many children you will have and their sex.

How do you know how many children you will have from the palm of your hand?

Palmistry is an ancient art that consists of reading palms to know the future. It is believed that the lines on the palms can bring information about life. You must observe the active hand, that is, the one you use to write.

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Indications for children come just below the fold of the little finger. These are lines stuck vertically. The smaller and thin ones can be a sign of a girl, while the wider and longer ones are a sign of a boy. Two lines that come from the same point refer to twins.

(Photo: Astrocentro/Reproduction)

Help to find out the sex of the baby

(Photo: Canva)

This game is for those who are already expecting a baby. It is believed that red cabbage in contact with a pregnant woman’s urine indicates the sex of the future child. But don’t get attached to the result, because there are no guarantees, okay? Reliability about whether it is a girl or a boy comes from some scientifically proven methods, such as fetal sexing using a mother’s blood sample, NIPT (non-invasive prenatal test) and ultrasound.

You will need:

1 disposable cup 1 red cabbage water pregnant urine

Way of doing:

Cut the cabbage into large pieces and place them in a pan of hot water. Wait for it to cool, around 10 minutes, and pour the water into a disposable cup, filling it halfway. Finish filling the cup with the pregnant woman’s urine. Observe the color of the liquid. If it is reddish or pink, it indicates a boy. Violet is a sign of a girl.

Egg aid to get pregnant

(Photo: Pixabay)

Exams and medical monitoring are essential, but help to get pregnant quickly can give a little extra help. The step-by-step guide below is simple to do, requires few items and tends to reinforce the faith of women who dream of becoming mothers.

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You will need:

Way of doing:

Place only the egg white in the plastic cup to increase fertility. Place the body uncovered in the quiet for one night. The next morning, say a prayer as a sign of gratitude and faith. Throw the glass and egg white in the trash.

Prayer to get pregnant

“Great God, Mighty God, wonderful God, Father of Humanity, Prince of Peace. Lord, we are here to exalt Your name every day and to beg you to have compassion on us and come and take us out of this torment.

May the Lord come and bless us with the blessing of being mothers, because this is our dream, Lord
We cry out to you, pour your healing on our heads and on the heads of our husbands, I ask that the Lord regulate our cycles, our ovulations, our husbands’ sperm, because everything the Lord has made is perfect and if there is any illness that causes us let us get in the way of being mothers, fall to the earth now in the name of Jesus.

By the name of Jesus, I declare that all women who pass this way will be healed and will be mothers of prophets, for we trust in your promises, Lord, who says: “There will not be any who miscarry or are barren in your land…” That May this promise extend over our lives to the honor and glory of his Holy name.

Oh! Lord Jesus, come and teach us to wait in his time, come and free us from afflictions, doubts, tribulations, fears, discouragement, frustrations.

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Come and bring peace to our hearts, tranquility that the Lord will do in his due time. Come and teach us to have faith, hope in your promises, because the Lord is faithful and has never failed and this is the God we serve. He is this God that every day I make the commitment to exalt and serve forever and ever. Amen.”

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Patricia Zwipp

Journalist immersed in women’s issues. She has a habit of looking for learnings and positive points in each experience.

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