In the end, how to know if a man is suffering for love? In some cases, the signs of suffering in men are imperceptible, because they don’t like to show their weaknesses and sadness. If the main cause of the end of the relationship was lies and betrayal, he will hardly show regret and immediate suffering. It does not mean that after a certain time you will not realize the mistake made and will suffer double the consequences of the act.
See below for our tips on how to know if a man is suffering from love and find out how to overcome the pain of separation.
See the tips on how to overcome the pain of a breakup!
How does the man feel after separation?
It is very common not to be able to understand clearly how the man feels after separation. They tend to hide their feelings well and that’s why only with a lot of intimacy will he feel safe to open up and say what he’s feeling right now. if the end was mature and very well resolved, this relationship will not have as much impact on man’s life. He will simply move on with his routines and goals.
Usually the end of a relationship has been dragging on for some time, there are many situations that make the relationship end gradually. They are a set of factors such as, for example: abusive relationships, heartaches, constant fights, betrayals and lies that lead to the end of the relationship. Therefore, sometimes the end does not cause so much suffering in the man, starting to impression of insensitivity and lack of love.
What actually happens is that a relationship slowly dies until it reaches the end point. It is possible to identify some attitudes in a man who is suffering for love, because his way of behaving can change a little. See some attitudes:
- Does not want to leave the house;
- Becomes sadder and quieter, with more reserved behavior;
- Doesn’t open up to anyone or just a very close friend;
- Start doing something different to distract your mind;
- Avoid talking about your ex partner at all costs;
- It creates bad habits such as addictions;
- You can’t completely disconnect from your ex;
- You still miss it.
How to overcome separation when there is still love?
How to get over the pain of a breakup? 4 foolproof tips!
It won’t be easy to find a way to get over the pain of a recent breakup. It is necessary to go through this moment, so that we can mature and be able to reflect on whether we should fight for true love or let go.
We can alleviate this pain in a mature and responsible way, without despairing and losing our minds. We must learn that In life there are cycles with a beginning, middle and end.. Not everything is forever in this life and we must move on and continue our walk.
The lack of a partner in life leaves a very big void, but just as you got used to his presence, you can also get used to it and fill it with other people and situations. Watch these 4 foolproof tips and apply it in your life if you are going through this moment, this will gently ease the pain of separation:
1. Don’t let sadness dominate you
At this moment it is common for sadness to invade your heart and mind, but you need to fight this feeling that will only make you feel bad. Continue to do what you’ve always done in life, work, study and be distracted so you don’t focus on the end of the relationship.
2. Change something in your routine
Changing some habits will get you out of that routine you had with the relationship and will help you not think about your ex all the time. Seek to include something new in your life, always fill your mind with good things. Change your look, become someone better.
3. Don’t belittle yourself, keep your self-esteem
Get it out of your head that you’re not enough, that you couldn’t keep the relationship going, or that you’re not good enough. A relationship is made by two people, and not just for one. Both have a share of guilt and mistakes made in this relationship to have ended. Take care, value yourself, don’t be depressed and sad, you deserve to be happy.
4. How about traveling? Go somewhere else for a while
Keeping aloof and cooling your head will do you a lot of good right now. It doesn’t have to be a very long and distant trip, just a trip to distract a little from recent thoughts and memories.
How long does the pain of the end of a relationship last?
Defining how long the pain of the end of a relationship lasts is something that is not possible. Each person has their time of overcoming, each relationship has its intensity and its reasons for ending it. The memories of the relationship, the presence of the ex-partner is something that has marked his whole life and is not forgotten overnight.
It is necessary to respect your ex’s time, as well as respect your time in this separation, time is the fundamental ingredient in this moment you are living. So don’t rush things, don’t take hasty or childish attitudes right now. In many cases, soon after the relationship ends, one of the parties gets involved with another person and starts a new relationship.
This will only hurt, as it takes time to rebuild, heal the wounds, the marks of the relationship that ended, prepare psychologically and then start a new love in life. In current times the lack of affective responsibility has been causing many tragedies in people.
10 tips on how to overcome the pain of separation
Why does separation hurt so much?
But why does separation hurt so much? They are intense moments together, happy and also sad moments that mark the life of a couple. Getting rid of all this is like opening a void in a person’s life and that’s why separation hurts so much. If you are going through this moment look for Spiritual Support at the Restart Space with the Spiritualist Maicon Paiva.
Schedule a Spiritual Consultation and resolve this whole love situation once and for all. A Spiritual Cleansing can bring you more relief and strength at this stage of your life. follow the on social networks, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube channel.