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Superstitions to avoid being the next dead after a funeral

Superstitions to avoid being the next dead after a funeral:

There are occasions that encourage reason, and others that plunge us into the deepest and densest pool of magical thoughts.

We are talking about superstitions, of course, and also about funerals, probably the occasion that brings together the greatest number of this type of beliefs, such that the average superstitious person, before attending a funeral, must take a large number of precautions to protect themselves. .

Otherwise, that is, if the corresponding prophylactic measures are not taken, the superstitious person himself could be the next dead after the funeral.

Below we share some of the strangest burial, funeral and cemetery superstitions.

Superstitions of cemeteries, burials and funerals:

– It is believed that sweeping the floor of the house before the body is duly removed and transferred to the cemetery ensures the prompt death of the careful mourner.

– The Victorians believed that if you had the misfortune of seeing your face reflected in the hearse you would soon become the next passenger.

– Being the first person to leave the cemetery after a burial is sufficient reason to lead to the death of the immediate mourner. This superstition is relatively easy to avoid, unless another family member or close friend is aware of it. In that case, delays, feints, and frivolous conversations may occur to delay the abandonment of the necropolis.

– The person who carried the coffin at the height of the deceased’s head was likely to be the next to die. This superstition was so widespread that, in principle, this place was reserved for ungrateful relatives; and, secondly, that the previous clamps on the coffins were gradually removed.

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– A similar superstition holds that the dead should always be removed from their home, or from any funeral establishment, first by their feet, with the head being the last to cross the threshold. Otherwise – it was believed – the deceased could show resentment towards the inhabitants of the property. From this superstition comes the saying “come out with your feet forward.”

– Another superstition to keep in mind: you should not lock the door of your house when you attend a funeral or a funeral procession. The reason for this superstition is unknown, although it is likely that it was spread by clever criminals.

– You also have to be careful when joining a funeral procession. If you find yourself facing the mourners, you must turn your back to them until they pass by, and only then join the procession.

– To avoid this type of shock one can stay at home, but be careful, if a funeral procession passes nearby you must close the windows and curtains. Otherwise there is a risk that the deceased will notice our absence at his funeral and proceed to curse us before the corresponding heavenly authorities.

– You should never count the number of vehicles following the hearse during a procession heading to the cemetery. That figure could deduce the number of years we have left to live.

– Speaking of hearses, that is, those that transport the coffin to the cemetery, they should never pass through the same street or crossroads twice, naturally, with the deceased on board. Doing so means confusing the spirit even more, to the point that it may refuse to leave the vehicle.

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– Once inside the cemetery, if one walks next to the coffin while it goes to the burial ceremony, one should never stop walking. Apparently, the sudden stillness of the mourners disturbs the deceased, who may eventually choose us as his successor in the afterlife.

– A superstition that, because it is dark, should be respected: you should never take a baby to a funeral. This guarantees a great tragedy before she reaches her first birthday.

– If a black cat crosses in front of a procession it means that another death is approaching in the family.

– You should never look over your shoulder while you are in the cemetery, any superstitious person knows this. Less well known is the superstition that one should not look back when leaving a funeral. This could mean that we will soon have to return to say goodbye to another loved one.

– Finally, it must be said that when leaving the cemetery after the burial one should never go directly home. Any stop—supermarket, brothel, a creditor’s house—is enough to prevent death from following us.

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