Home » Dating advice » You are no longer the love of my life, but we will always be family because you gave me the most beautiful thing in life.

You are no longer the love of my life, but we will always be family because you gave me the most beautiful thing in life.

To say that our love was a deception would be a lie. Shouting to the four winds that our love is over would be too. But you are no longer the love of my life.

Although I love you with my soul, much more than that first day, we both know that the best decision was to separate and continue on our own paths.

We reached a moment in our lives when the healthiest thing was not to be together to find ourselves again and although through that adventure we may find our love again, it is also possible that we discover new companions.

However, my affection for you has not died, it is still as present as ever and even more so because although you are not the love of my life, you are still my friend, my partner and, above all, my family.

You gave me the most beautiful gift in life: my daughter and for that I will always be grateful to you and I will never stop loving you for loving her more than anyone in this world.

That’s why no matter what happens between us, you will always be my family. For putting a smile on her face every day, for looking for the best for her and tucking her in when she sleeps; for protecting her from her dangers and teaching her to defend herself; for making her know that she is loved and for strengthening her love for herself: for all these things you and I will continue to build together the same home for her.

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Because that love we share is much bigger than all the loves of my life combined and is the result of what we shared at some point and she keeps alive.

You entered my life and filled it with love, trust and tranquility. Today you give that to our daughter and that is why you will always be part of me.

No, you are no longer the love of my life, but you and I will always be family because of her, to see that shine in her eyes every day when she sees us share a life together, even though we now have different paths.

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