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The 12 most contaminated foods

The reports of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) analyze the pesticide level in more than 80,000 samples from all the countries of the European Union. The latest report focused on 12 plant and animal products. One of the most alarming data is that in the 27.3% of the samples found residuesnot from one, but from multiple pesticides.

Strawberries 63% Peaches 53% Apples 46% Lettuce 36% Oats 28% Tomatoes 27% Wine 23% Rye 16% Cucumber 16% Leek 14% Cabbage 4.8% Milk 3.6%

The worst enemies of hormones

According to the organization Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN), three vegetables contain residues of up to 20 pesticides that are endocrine disruptors (severely damage the human hormonal system).

Lettuce. Up to 1,300 micrograms per kilo of lettuce were found, which represents an endocrine effect 40 times greater than that of a birth control pill. Tomato. The samples analyzed contain an average of 700 micrograms of pesticides per kilo. This represents about 20 times the endocrine effect of a hormonal pill. Cucumber. Eating a kilo of cucumbers means ingesting 600 micrograms of these pesticides. The endocrine effect is 20 times greater than that of a birth control pill.

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