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Tea tree: properties, uses and how to use the essential oil

Tea tree essential oil is, along with lavender essential oil, undoubtedly one of the best-selling essential oils in the world, especially the variety Malaleuca alternifoliafor their extraordinary therapeutic properties.

It is used for many purposes, but above all to combat infections, acne, mouth or nail fungus.

What is the tea tree and what is it for?

The tea tree belongs to the Myrtaceae family and is native to Australiawhere we find different melaleucas, such as the melaleuca cajeputi (also known as cajeput) or the melaleuca quinquenervia (which receives the name of niauli).

Today the tea tree is still cultivated mainly in Australia, but it can also be found in other countries such as New Zealand and Zimbabwe.

owes its name to Anglo-Saxon navigator James Cook during their voyage around the world in 1770. They say that, when there was a lack of tea on board, they began to replace it with an infusion of tea leaves. melaleuca alternifolia, just as they saw the aborigines do. These, apparently already knew the properties of the tea tree, and used it to treat colds, congestions, fever and wounds.

During World War II there was not a single Australian soldier who did not carry a vial of tea tree essential oil, then already well known for its valuable health benefits. These are its main properties and uses:

To fight infections: At the therapeutic level, it is worth noting the numerous anti-infective properties of this essential essential oil. The use of tea tree is recommended in case of viral infections, such as colds, flu, herpes or Epstein-Barr virus infection.For the mushrooms: The tea tree is also excellent for eliminating fungus, which is why it is probably considered the best natural remedy for treating candidiasis.For the face, in order to eliminate acne: Of course, tea tree essential oil is a great classic for treating teenage acne.For the hair, against lice: It is also useful to eliminate parasites, especially lice.To protect the skin from the sun and radiation: The tea tree is also a valuable protector of the skin when it is subjected to radiation. People with cancer who have to undergo radiotherapy will benefit greatly from the use of tea tree before the sessions.

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How to use tea tree

Its characteristic and unmistakable odor is not very attractive for diffusion use. For that reason, It is usually applied mainly topically..

Tea tree essential oil is easily oxidized. Try to keep it in a cool place or even better in the fridge.

If a rash appears or if it irritates your skin it is probably because it has oxidized. Don’t use it in this case.

Tea tree essential oil will be very useful for its properties in many situations. Some of the most common and how to use the tea tree in each case are described below.

Tea tree for the face: acne and cold sores

Due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties, tea tree essential oil is useful for treating both juvenile acne and cold sores. These two formulas will be useful for you:

Essential oil formula to eliminate acne

After having carefully cleansed the face, we will apply a pure drop directly on the pimples.

As a complement, we can prepare a aloe vera based emulsion to apply in the morning and at night. We will need:

A bottle with a dispenser (30 ml) 15 ml of jojoba vegetable oil 15 drops of tea tree essential oil 15 drops of lavender essential oil Aloe vera gel to fill the rest of the bottle

Fill the jar halfway with the jojoba vegetable oil and add the two essential oils. Then we complete with aloe vera gel to fill the jar and shake to emulsify.

It is likely that between each use the emulsion will separate; it doesn’t matter, it just shake again before use for it to emulsify again.

How to use it for cold sores

we dilute 1 drop of essential oil with 1 drop of vegetable oil of calendula or coconut and apply to the affected area. It is necessary to repeat the application with certain frequency and at least five times a day.

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Tea tree for hair: eliminate dandruff

Using tea tree for dandruff is as simple as adding 1 drop essential oil to your dose of shampoo and, once applied, wait a couple of minutes before rinsing.

If you want a more complete formula to treat dandruff and itching, you can get this specific aromatherapy synergy for dandruff.

The tea tree is also effective in eliminating lice, but the smell of the essential oil is not pleasant to apply to children’s hair. For this reason, it is much more advisable to use lavender essential oil preventively. In this article on lavender essential oil we explain how.

tea tree in cancer

One of the known applications of the tea tree in cancer is to protect the skin before radiotherapy sessions.

To prevent the skin from burning as a result of radiotherapy (radiodermatitis), we will apply three or four drops of pure tea tree essential oil on the area to be treated half an hour before the session.

It’s very important do not dilute the essential oil with anythingespecially with vegetable oil.

After the session, we apply a little aloe vera gel with a drop of lavender essential oil to soothe the skin. It is also convenient to use some vegetable oil, for example, argan or calendula oil.

Tea Tree Mouthwash

Tea tree essential oil is suitable for general oral hygiene, as well as relieving gingivitis and canker sores.

For oral hygiene and gingivitis

Prepare a mouthwash by diluting 1 drop of essential oil with a little coconut oil. Once we have the mixture, the we keep in the mouth for about ten minutes. After that time, we spit out the oil on a tissue and brush our teeth. Avoid spitting it out in the sink so the oil doesn’t go down the drain.

You can too add 1 drop of essential oil to your toothpaste when you go to brush your teeth. This will also help whiten your teeth.

for canker sores

In case you have thrush, you can apply 1 drop of pure essential oil on the pupa, two to three times a day.

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Other formulas and uses of tea tree

Here are other situations in which the properties of the tea tree are useful and how to use it in each case:

For nail fungus

apply 1 drop of pure essential oil on the nail or affected nails, morning and night for 1 month.

for scabies

Applying tea tree mixed with mint and coconut oil we obtain a useful mixture to treat scabies. We mix:

90 drops of tea tree essential oil. 10 drops of peppermint essential oil. 50 ml of coconut oil, previously melted and cooled.

We apply this mixture in the affected areas two to three times per day.

for hemorrhoids

A mixture is prepared that we apply to improve hemorrhoids. For this we dilute 1 drop of essential oil in 4 drops of St. John’s wort oleate and apply morning and night.

On scratches or superficial wounds

To disinfect a superficial wound, use 1 or 2 drops of pure essential oil. Repeat application if necessary.

In pimples and boils

On pimples and boils we will apply a mixture of essential oil of tea tree and essential oil of carrot. You need:

1 drop of pure essential oil of tea tree. 1 drop of essential oil of carrot.

Simply apply the mixture to the pimple and repeat. three times a day.

For colds (adults only)

We will apply a mixture of essential oils on the forearms and sides. Needers:

2 drops of tea tree essential oil. 2 drops of ravintsara essential oil. If you have very sensitive skin, add 4 drops of a vegetable oil to dilute the essential oils.

apply the mixture 6 times a day for 2 or 3 days.

Toxicity and contraindications

Tea tree essential oil has no contraindications or toxicity in the usual recommended doses in aromatherapy.

It can be used during pregnancy, lactation and in children from 6 years of age. respecting the indications and precautions for use.

Contrary to what we can read in some poorly documented sources, the tea tree is not a hormonal disruptor nor does it promote breast enlargement.

Text by Antonia Jover, aromatologist


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