Home » Holistic Wellness » 5 healthy and quick desserts: make them in less than 15 minutes

5 healthy and quick desserts: make them in less than 15 minutes

There is moments when your body is asking you for something sweet and all kinds of bad ideas come to your mind: donuts, ice cream, chocolate, cookies, jelly beans… Suddenly you have an uncontrollable urge to run to the candy store on the corner. It’s four in the afternoon and instead of concentrating on the project you have to finish or answering your daughter’s endless questions, the only thing that occupies your mind is where you can look for some sugar.

Most of us have experienced this feeling more than once: craving for sweet. It is not a real hunger, but an emotional hunger. It can be caused by tiredness, stress, hormonal imbalance, lack of sleep… It is the way to compensate emotions or the way how the body is trying to tell us that it lacks energy to get on with the day.

All these sensations and needs can and should be worked on. But at the moment that the body asks us for sweets, there is another option.

healthy and easy desserts

Instead of getting carried away by these feelings and resorting to a chocolate bar for giving us instant pleasure to ruin the healthy diet we normally follow, we have another option: we can satisfy our whim with a healthier alternative it’s not going to produce the high and low blood sugar and the guilt afterward.

Besides offering a healthier alternative, we can re-educate the palate and Create new eating habits.

To make a change when it comes to satisfying your sweet tooth, it is best to choose healthier and more natural foods. To do this, we should be a bit prepared, plan and have the pantry or drawer at work full of healthier snacks:

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It is advisable to always have seasonal fruit on hand such as tangerines, oranges, apples and pears in winter and autumn, strawberries and cherries in spring or peaches, apricots, cherries and watermelon in summer. Fruit helps us hydrate and is full of vitamins and fiber. We can also have bananas and other fruit in the freezer to make healthy ice creams and jams in a few minutes.For the base of our healthy desserts and to accompany fruit It is convenient to have foods rich in protein and healthy fats on hand so that they leave us satisfied for longer, such as tofu, natural coconut yogurt, coconut milk (ideally keep it in the fridge), chickpeas, almond flour, peanut or almond butter, cashews, and other nuts. Also, keep on hand chocolate with a high percentage of cocoacocoa powder or dried fruit. To flavor our desserts we will need some healthy sweetener such as stevia, coconut sugar, maple syrup, dates or erythritol. To flavor we can use cinnamon, vanilla, ginger. And it is also convenient to have a couple of essential ingredients such as oat flakes, chemical yeast, coconut oil, vegetable drink….

With these ingredients and a little knowledge, we can create healthy and light desserts in no time. Here are five healthy dessert recipes to prepare in less than 15 minutes.

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