Home » Life Advice » She treated acne on her face with green tea and honey. But is it safe? – GOOD SHAPE

She treated acne on her face with green tea and honey. But is it safe? – GOOD SHAPE

Social networks are full of beauty tips, from indications of new products to homemade recipes that promise to work miracles on the skin. Recently, however, a post on Twitter has drawn attention.

The author of the post is Hilda Paz Robles, aged 17, who shared the treatment chosen to cure severe acne. According to the young woman, she only used green tea and honey to get rid of the marks on her face.

According to Allure magazine, the American started drinking the tea, sweetened with honey, three times a week. She also made her own face mask, mixing a few sachets with the bee product and applying it to her face for 30 minutes to two hours. At first, Hilda used the mask three times a week; after two months, only once.

Another case that recently went viral on social media was the treatment of model Brianna Lopez. In December 2017, she showed on Instagram that she also cured severe acne using a combination of essential oils and honey. But after all, is it possible to solve this problem with only natural ingredients?

Acne treatment with green tea and honey: risks

According to dermatologist Christiane Gonzaga, specialist by the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD), green tea has antioxidant properties, that fight free radicals that cause skin damage. The herb is also rich in polyphenols, anti-inflammatory compounds.

“Acne is precisely an inflammatory disease. That’s why green tea helps to reduce redness and pustules, in addition to eliminating toxins”, explains Christiane.

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But what about honey? In social media treatments, the consumption of this product has the function of hydrating and protecting the dermis from bacteria, but the effect may not be quite that.

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Because it is a source of carbohydrates and sugars, some organisms react badly to the ingredient. “The excessive intake of these substances generates insulin spikes, a hormone produced by the pancreas that, in large amounts, can worsen inflammatory conditions”, highlights the specialist. So, before stuffing yourself with this or other products – no matter how natural they may be – it’s essential to consult a specialist, ok?

How to use green tea to treat acne

(YelenaYemchuk/Thinkstock/Getty Images)

Green tea can be used as a facial tonic. “After cleaning the skin, put some of the tea ready (cold or at room temperature) on a cotton wheel and apply it on the skin”, says Christiane. It is also worth looking for natural lotions that have the ingredient as a base.

In severe cases, however, natural treatment must be combined with the use of antibiotics. “The most severe acne, with nodules, cysts and scars, is indicated for oral medications, which reduce sebum production, follicle inflammation and bacterial proliferation”, explains dermatologist Fabiane Kumagai Lorenzin, advisor at the Department of Dermatological Cosmiatry at SBD.

include in the dish

Another aspect that helps with acne treatment is food. According to Christiane, it is important to look for foods rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, as well as green tea. “Invest in ingredients that are sources of omega-3, which have anti-inflammatory action”. suggests. This good fat is found in fish like salmon, sardines and tuna and in seeds like chia and linseed.

Vitamin C is another powerful weapon. “Add fruits such as pineapple, acerola, cashew, orange, guava and strawberry to the menu. Red fruits and dark green leaves are also good indications”, recommends the doctor.

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