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“What I learned in the first months riding a bike around the city” –

I always had one bike leaning against the back of the garage. One caloi iron – very heavy! – which I won in a raffle in 1998. But she almost never saw the color of the sun. Last year, encouraged by my sister (a born urban cyclist), I decided to trade the car for the skinny one to go train. At first, it wasn’t easy. I was afraid. But now, the three-kilometer course with a slight incline doesn’t even seem that challenging. In order to join this bandwagon? Here are the tips I’ve learned over the last five months of riding.

1- Pedal with the front of the foot

I discovered that the best “step” to make the bike go is with the front of the foot (with the pad at the base of the toes), where we can imply more power. Learning how to use the gears was also essential so as not to give up halfway through the journey – the combination of them (there are three on one side and seven on the other) needs to be light enough for the pedal to rotate at a constant pace (but without floating, as if it was too easy). Oh! And keep your knees closed to avoid joint overload. Before putting all this into practice, it took 20 minutes to get to the gym; Now I take 14.

Read too: Simple bicycle training is enough to eliminate excesses

2- Wear comfortable clothes

It seems kind of obvious, but no wearing your favorite jeans when pedaling. Personal experience: it can get caught in the chain bearing (that toothed rim) and tear. Shoes should preferably be closed, for your safety – on a day when I was wearing flats I almost lost a nail when I had to put my foot on the asphalt because of a motorcycle that scared me.

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3- Buy a helmet and a mirror

Curious fact: I don’t know if it was an impression or reality, but I felt that the drivers started to respect me more after I started wearing my helmet. In addition to being a fundamental item of security (yes, it saves lives!), it also shows that you know what you’re doing on a bike.

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Another essential is the mirror, which is far from being just decorative. It makes a LOT of difference in traffic! Just like car mirrors, the accessory on the handlebars helps you to be aware of how the cars behind you are coming. Reminder: either way, with or without it, always look behind you before changing lanes. (When parking the bike outdoors, remove all accessories to prevent theft).

see more: Bike models and accessories for beginners

4- Respect the traffic rules

The flow of cars in big cities is usually chaotic. Therefore, everyone needs to respect the laws: stop at crosswalks, do not pass the traffic light when it is red and, under no circumstances, ride the wrong way. When I need to get up on the sidewalk, I walk with my feet on the ground because I almost ran over a guy who moved without looking back (I know, he was walking in the place destined for him!). And to change lanes or turn into a street, I always signal with my arms for the car to slow down. It is also worth always occupying the middle of the lane on the right. That’s right. If I pedal along the edge of the lane, I go over poor quality asphalt (read: holes and lots of holes) and drivers pass me without care – for our safety, it’s better that they have to brake and change lanes.

5- Lower the music volume

Although it is very pleasant to pedal while listening to your favorite playlist, listening to the noise of motorcycles and cars guarantees a little more safety, especially when irresponsible drivers overtake you right next to you. Music, unfortunately, ends up distracting us – as well as the cell phone. It’s pierced to give chance to bad luck!

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