Home » Life Advice » Matheus Macêdo: from Chinese backpacking and ayurveda training in India to TV –

Matheus Macêdo: from Chinese backpacking and ayurveda training in India to TV –

Motherhood, sleep, food and anxiety are frequent themes in Western medicine. But what if we looked at the subject in another way, combining a millennial and oriental perspective — more specifically from the ayurveda? It is the point of view that the doctor Matheus Macêdo, owner of the channel @vidaveda_brings as an interviewee four of the fifteen episodes of the program “Bem Juntinhos”, presented by the couple Fernanda Lima It is Rodrigo Hilbert.

During the talks, which will debut in April on the GNT channel, guests also tell about their own experiences. And Matheus has a lot to talk about his: at the age of 15, he decided to be vegetarian. At 21, he was already backpacking on his way to China to research more about the roots of medicine. He even lived in a Tibetan monastery and passed through Nepal — on an eight-day trip in a car.

Only later, in 2013, did he go to India to study Ayurveda. Fez part of the first class of foreigners at the University of Gujarat University (to this day, he is the only Brazilian to have graduated there), and he had to learn Hindi, Gujaráti and Sanskrit.

The Life Veda

Back in Portugal (where he currently lives), Matheus decided to create the life veda (Veda means knowledge for Ayurveda), a platform with almost 4 million views on YouTube, 70,000 followers on Instagram, and thousands of fans who seek to follow the millennial fundamentals (associated with western discoveries and knowledge) for a more balanced routine.

(Personal collection/Disclosure)

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There, he mainly addresses food, sleep, silence and movement. That’s because, according to Matheus, keeping these four pillars in harmony is essential for a strong and disease-free body. “I try to convey the idea that we should worry less about things that come from outside and practice more self knowledge. Not following a diet just because I saw someone doing it, and understanding what foods my body asks for and needs, for example”, he explains.

To know more

According to ABRA (Brazilian Association of Ayurveda), “Ayurveda is the knowledge, science or wisdom that proposes a healthy life in harmony with the laws of nature with the aim of achieving happiness”. It is more than 5000 years old, and is considered one of the oldest of humanity.

Ayurveda on the agenda

Among those passionate about Matheus’ work is Fernanda Lima. It was even the presenter who proposed the interviews to the doctor. “When I got to know Matheus’ work, I was impressed with the quality of the content and the ease with which he explains things. I have been passionate about Ayurvedic medicine for many years and, with him, I became interested in going back to school. Integrative medicine is fundamental for disease prevention and should be increasingly disseminated”, she tells the Good shape.

The program promises attention-grabbing chats. “In the episode about sleep, I give tips for more peaceful nights. In maternity, we talk about natural childbirth”, explains the specialist. The themes still have the presence of other interviewees to enrich the dialogue. The GNT channel is available to those who have pay TV or are customers Globoplay.

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