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What happens when you replace mashed potatoes with manioc puree –

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The exchange is worth it. Although cassava has 125 calories in 100 grams, and potatoes, 85, the first root has a lower glycemic index (GI). “The secret is in the concentration of soluble fibers – substances that make the cassava take longer to be transformed into blood sugar, avoiding the excessive production of insulin (the allied hormone of extra weight)”, says nutritionist Tarcila de Campos, from Sao Paulo. The recipe can be even more suitable for the diet if you combine the cassava with other low GI roots, such as yams and sweet potatoes. Another suggestion: turn the puree into soup. Sauté some onion with a drizzle of olive oil, add the puree of two or three roots, add boiling water, let it thicken and adjust the salt.

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