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Ready-made shake diet gives you that strength to eliminate excesses –

To lose weight in a healthy way, you will not replace any meal with a shake
Photo: Thinkstock

Powdered shakes are not alone: ​​they come with cereal bars, ready-to-drink shakes and even vitamin supplements. Some brands went further: they included functional substances in the composition of their products and promise to increase energy, accelerate metabolism or fight free radicals. To complete the package – and ensure good results -, they are also teaching bit by bit how to include these products in the menu.

But, for now, forget the idea of ​​using them from morning to night in an attempt to lose weight. “Exchanging all meals only for shakes makes you lose weight faster, but most of what is eliminated consists of water and muscle, not fat”, explains nutritionist Juliana Capatto, from the Filippo Pedrinola Endocrinology Clinic. And as no one can stand to go for a long time without chewing at lunch and dinner, when you go back to eating normally you run the risk of putting on weight all over again.

“The advantage of these products is that they are balanced, guaranteeing essential nutrients for the body, in addition to allowing greater control over calorie intake”, says nutrologist Mauro Fisberg. We know the exact caloric value of the shake or bar, and we also have a greater feeling of satiety, arriving at the next meal without being so hungry.

Let’s go?

At the beginning of the diet, the indication is to exchange a maximum of two meals for substitutes – one small (breakfast or snack) and another large (lunch or dinner). Were you worried if you’re going to stand without chewing anything? Relax! You can and should, especially at main meals, combine the shake with fruit, a green salad or a light soup, meeting the need and pleasure of eating something solid, salty and warm.

In the second stage, after burning those extra pounds, the products should only replace a small meal. But again, it’s not to be abused. Ideally, at this stage, you’ve already learned to eat correctly, at the right times and in a balanced way, leaving substitutes for the days when you don’t have time to eat calmly or need to leave the house without breakfast. .

“These products should work as weight loss adjuvants and, at the same time, as a tool to create healthy eating habits”, says nutritionist Vanderlí Marchiori, collaborator of Associação Paulista de Nutrição, who elaborated, in partnership with nutritionist Mônica Cristina Campos, the diet menu. It shows you the ideal meals to combine with shakes and bars, helping you to better control your appetite, learn to eat healthily and lose those extra pounds.

inserted menu

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1/2 papaya + 1 col. (soup) skimmed natural yogurt + 1 col. (soup) light granola + 3 wholemeal cookies + 1 col. (soup) diet jelly

Day 2
1 nanica banana + 2 col. (soup) of oat bran + 1/2 cup of skimmed yogurt mixed with diet gelatin + 1 slice of wholemeal bread with light cream cheese

Day 3
1 slice of melon + 2 wholemeal toast + 1 col. (soup) of ricotta with 1 col. (tea) olive oil and basil + 1 glass (220 ml) soy juice

Day 4
1 slice of papaya + 1 slice of light whole wheat bread + 1 slice of light white cheese + Herbal tea (lemon balm, chamomile) with sweetener

Day 5
1 bowl of simple fruit salad + 1 col. (soup) oat bran + 1/2 low-fat yogurt

1 glass (220 ml) of light strawberry juice + 1 slice of melon + 1 small tube with cottage cheese

Day 7
1 glass (220 ml) of diet passion fruit juice + 1 slice of watermelon + 1 slice of light whole wheat bread with light cream cheese

Snack (morning and afternoon)

Every day

1 cereal bar


Day 1

Mixed salad: 1 plate (dessert) of watercress, lettuce, cucumber, 8 cherry tomatoes and 1 tbsp. (soup) olive oil + 1 cup. (tea) pod and steamed cauliflower + 4 col. (soup) steamed escarole + 2 col. (soup) brown rice + 1 small grilled chicken fillet

Day 2

Mixed salad: 1 plate (dessert) of arugula, raw escarole, 6 col. (soup) of carrot with beet and 1 col. (soup) olive oil 4 col. (soup) cooked zucchini and chayote + 1/2 cup. (tea) of broccoli with garlic + 2 col. (soup) brown rice + 2 col. (lentil soup) + 1 poached egg

Day 3

Mixed salad: 1 plate (dessert) of lettuce, grated radish and 1 tomato with 1 tbsp. (soup) olive oil 2 col. (soup) of fresh peas and 1 heart of palm with onions + 2 col. (soup) steamed chard + 2 col. (soup) brown rice + 2 col. (soup) of chickpeas + 1 medium fillet of stewed fish

Day 4

Mixed salad: 1 plate (dessert) of chopped cabbage, grated turnip and mushrooms with 1 col. (soup) olive oil + 3 col. eggplant (soup) braised with bell pepper, onion and tomato + 1 plate (dessert) of steamed red and white cabbage + 2 col. (soup) brown rice + 4 col. white bean soup with shredded chicken

Day 5

Mixed salad: 1 plate (dessert) of watercress, grated zucchini with 1 tbsp. (soup) olive oil + 1 saucer (tea) spinach with garlic + 1 pancake stuffed with ground beef or braised soy protein + 1 col. (soup) brown rice


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Mixed salad: 1 plate (dessert) of arugula and 8 cherry tomatoes with 1 tbsp. (soup) olive oil + 3 col. (soup) of braised pumpkin + 1 small portion of eggplant lasagna and light white cheese

Day 7

Tropical salad: 1 plate (dessert) of cabbage, cubes of pineapple and boiled green beans with 1 tbsp. (soup) olive oil + 2 col. (soup) of steamed vegetables + 2 col. Greek style rice (soup) + 1 medium grilled rump fillet


Day 1
1 light yogurt

Day 2
1 cup (220 ml) light soy juice (Ades or Del Valle type)

Day 3
1 pear

Day 4
1 cup (300 ml) coconut water

Day 5
1 cup (220 ml) light grape juice

4 Brazil nuts

Day 7
1 apple

To have lunch

Day 1

Mixed salad: 1 plate (dessert) of lettuce, carrots and radish with 1 tbsp. (soup) of olive oil + 1 cup (300 ml) of shake + 2 slices of pineapple

Day 2

Bicolor salad: 1 saucer (tea) of white and purple cabbage, 1 col. (soup) raisins, 1 col. (soup) of grated apple and celery with yogurt sauce + 1 glass (300 ml) of shake + 1/2 mango

Day 3

Mixed salad: 1 plate (dessert) of lettuce, beetroot and 2 slices of dried tomato with olive oil + 1 glass (300 ml) of shake + 2 slices of papaya

Day 4

Mixed salad: 1 dish (dessert) of grated cauliflower, carrots and cucumber with 1 tbsp. (soup) of olive oil + 1 glass (300 ml) of shake + 2 tangerines

Day 5

Mixed salad: 1 plate (dessert) of raw escarole, tomato and green corn with 1 tbsp. (soup) olive oil
1 cup (300 ml) shake + 2 slices of watermelon


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Mixed salad: 1 plate (dessert) of chard and cucumber with 1 tbsp. (soup) of olive oil + 1 glass (300 ml) of shake + 2 oranges

Day 7

Mixed salad: 1 dish (dessert) of steamed broccoli and carrots with yogurt sauce + 1 cup (300 ml) of shake + 3 col. (soup) avocado with sweetener

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