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Identity crisis –

Something that affects everyone at some point in life and that I have noticed an increase in this “post pandemic” phase that we are experiencing is the “identity crisis”. Today I want to give you 3 steps to face this rediscovery more lightly.

Our life changes all the time and we also change our tastes, goals and even desires. That is why it is to be expected that at certain times we face an identity crisis where we no longer know who we are and what we like.

I myself am currently going through this, after all, in the last 3 years I have completely changed and so has the world! So 1st step after noticing that you are feeling different: have a perspective what’s going on in your life!

Around here in the last 3 years I’ve had professional changes, I became a housewife, started a relationship, got engaged, lived together with my fiancé, became a pet’s mother, went through several perrengues of family health, changed my cycle of friendships and many more other things. Besides, I spent the last few years more reclusive at home, a fact that was impossible in the life I used to lead, where I left home early and came back late at night.

This drastic change in life, contexts, lack of socialization, lack of travel, professional rediscoveries brought me a feeling of not knowing what actually gives me pleasure, what I like to do in my free time and who I am. After all. I understand that along with these changes also comes the maturation and refinement of tastes that I had before and today I no longer see myself performing.

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And then we go to the 2nd step: what hasn’t changed in me and that I really like to do. Some things are our personality and we will stay that way. I’m curious and I love to read and have more knowledge, I also love meeting new people and taking walks out of the routine. Oops, finding the constant factors in your life you can continue to value them even more and try to implement them more often in your day to day.

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3rd step: what has changed on me and doesn’t really call my attention anymore. I believe that I became more fearful after the pandemic and I no longer have the desire to put myself in such risky situations. Just like I noticed my emotional battery a little lower and I don’t feel so good in completely crowded places anymore. I am no longer interested in superficial conversations or fake friendships and I prefer to spend more time with people who add value to me.

Ok, knowing this brings lightness and a better acceptance of what I like now! So I invite you to reflect on these 3 steps and, if you don’t know how to answer some of them immediately, try to do something you did before and see how you feel! Maybe it’s still to your liking or it doesn’t make sense anymore and that’s ok!!

The complete answer of who I am may never come up, after all I know that I am an eternal apprentice and I am always looking to improve and grow, but I can discover what I like to do and live my new version more lightly and even with less comparisons to my former self, which no longer dwells in me!

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Let’s dive into this self-knowledge together?


Hi, my name is Priscila Conte Vieira, but you can call me Pri! I am a psychologist, speaker and mentor. I work in clinical psychology, I specialize in Positive Psychology and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, master in self-knowledge, life coach, NLP practitioner, also creator of the Podcast Breathe, don’t pyre and teacher of the Reset Stress course.

I’ll be here every week, addressing themes of Positive Psychology, happiness, well-being and helping them to be their best versions, through self-knowledge and flourishing. To find out more about me and follow me on a daily basis, just follow me on Instagram! I’m there like @psi.priscilaconte See you next Saturday! See you <3

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