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30 days to change: adopt these attitudes to transform body and mind –

No one learns to like sweets, snacks and fried foods overnight. Therefore, if you are determined to improve your diet and stick to fitness, do not expect immediate result. Mistakes at the table must be corrected little by little, without despair. Turning the menu inside out and wanting to change everything at once is the same as entering a dispute to lose – your body will complain and weaken your intention to adhere to a healthier lifestyle.

Take it easy on the exercises too, but don’t give up – repeat the changes that deserve to be made in the routine until you can execute them without so much physical and mental effort. O brain needs some time, for example, to enjoy the stimulation of endorphins – then, yes, physical activity becomes a habit (getting out of bed early to go to the gym will no longer seem like a bad idea). The timeframe for this to happen varies from one person to another, but some experts believe that three weeks is enough to get you there. Others bet on a longer period: between one and three months, but with a guarantee certificate!

The hardest part is getting out of comfort zone, but imagine the benefits that the new attitude can bring to your body and well-being. “With that in mind, it is easier to make adjustments to your diet and the way you organize your day”, says endocrinologist Giuli Pansera, from São Paulo – author of the program 30 Days to Changewhich became a hit on social media.

The doctor initially thought of the method to solve her own difficulty in transforming healthy attitudes into permanent habits. “I always ate right and I was never sedentarybut I was not able to define the body and gain more disposition.”

The failure was in breaking the pace on Saturday and Sunday: “I abused the pasta, didn’t stop at the first glass of wine… and on Monday I felt practically starting from scratch”.

Hence the idea of ​​creating a diet without a break at the weekend, which, in addition to food, includes meditation and exercise – this part was developed in partnership with physical educator Julio Dotti, from Limite Team, in São Paulo.

Once you’re ready to start, invest in a new habit each day – without, of course, abandoning the ones you’ve already conquered or are on the way. And so it goes. If it slips, don’t be discouraged. Keep moving forward, committed to putting into practice all the challenges proposed in the 30 days.

“Then, some foods, such as bread and pasta, can return to the menu, but at special times – and no longer as a habit”, guides Giuli. You will not want to do otherwise. In a month, the first achievements (kilos less and extra disposition) appear – and, with them, motivation, satisfaction and a boost in self-esteem. Thus, the path for change is open and on the off chance that you won’t even remember the bad habit you left behind.

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Day 1: Show up on social media

Share a current full-body photo of yourself (it doesn’t have to be in a bikini, but in an outfit that shows off your curves). The image serves as a reference and motivation in the most difficult moments of the challenge. Put in the post the measurements of the waist, the abdomen and the hip. If you find it too invasive, release the information only to the group of friends or family (or just to yourself).

Day 2: Elect a coach

Choose someone (friend, daughter, husband, boyfriend…) to be your advisor for the next 30 days. He should encourage you every day not to give up, as well as defend you from negative criticism about the idea of ​​adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Day 3: Organize your schedule

Exercises should be part of your routine – set aside 30 to 60 minutes for them every day. Moving your body regularly makes it easier to lose (and maintain) weight, improves your humor and the disposition and strengthens the heart.

Day 4: Eliminate sugar

Clean the fridge and kitchen cupboards: if possible, remove everything that contains sugar. Read the label even of snacks that claim to be fit – even they can have the ingredient in their composition.

Day 5: Start with the salad

You already know that the fibers quench and stimulate the intestines. To guarantee the daily portion of 30 grams, always start lunch and dinner with a nice plate of salad. green leaves.

Day 6: Take a break from bread

Flours tend to be poor in nutrients and have Sugar level high, especially the refined versions. But, for the next few days, avoid even whole-grain versions of bread, crackers, breakfast cereals, cakes… Omelette, oatmeal porridge, kefir are great options for breakfast.

Day 7: Go for clean labels

Excessive consumption of artificial colorings and flavorings can cause allergies and irritation in the body. Therefore, prefer foods with a natural version of these ingredients. Perhaps they are not the most colorful and flashy, but they are friendlier.

Day 8: Consume less salt

Don’t fall into the trap that ready-made sauces and seasonings are essential for adding flavor to meals. They tend to have a lot of sodium and glutamate – additives that are related to liquid retention It is binge eating.

Day 9: Cut back on sweeteners

They don’t need to be banned from dietbut use as little as possible – a review of studies presented at Endo 2018 (annual meeting of the Endocrine Society in the US) showed that sweeteners can trigger resistance to insulin (it gets harder to lose weight). Gradually, your palate gets used to the natural flavor of fruits and even coffee.

Day 10: Get out of your comfort zone

If you already exercise, demand a little more from your body. Tighten the walking pace, make the bike gear heavier… Aerobic activities decrease the cholesterol bad, LDL, and increase caloric expenditure. Are you getting out of sedentarism? Start slow!

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Day 11: Test your resolve

Go out with friends or family for dinner, but don’t just think about the food. Take the opportunity to socialize and test your limits – that way, you already have an idea of ​​how you will do in the challenge of resisting the habit of exaggerating in fried food, pizza and draft beer.

Day 12: Meditate!

O mindfulness it’s a kind of meditation to develop mindfulness and thereby identify bad habits and adhere to good ones. Practice every day for five to ten minutes, in the morning and before bed (or whenever your schedule allows, if possible in a quiet place). Bonus: the day gets lighter.

Day 13: Try something new

You often give up exercising because training becomes predictable and boring, isn’t it? So, don’t just focus on bodybuilding or on pilates. Vary it: jump rope, pedal, practice yoga

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Day 14: Drink more water

Keeping your body well hydrated prevents you from mistaking thirst for hunger. And, as it takes nutrients into the bloodstream, water helps to define the muscles, in addition to making the belly drier. This is because the liquid favors the oxidation of fat (sorry, love handles) and eliminates toxins through the kidneys (another point in favor of a fit body).

How much to drink: 35 milliliters per kilogram of body weight (if you weigh 60 kilos, drink a minimum of 2.1 liters per day) – and a little more when you are in a very hot environment or do a heavy workout.

Day 15: Learn who’s boss

One more day for you to measure self-control. Carry one of the foods “forbidden” in the challenge (bread, cake, biscuits, chocolate…) in your bag. If you’ve done everything right (or almost) so far, it will be easier to divert their focus than you think.

Day 16: Strengthen the core

Even if you’ve already done your workout, spend a minute on the plank. Lying on your stomach, support your elbows on the floor and raise your body (be careful not to let your butt get too low). The pose helps to strengthen the core region, which encompasses the muscles of the abdomen and the hip.

Day 17: Take more steps

Park the car in a space far away from the access to the mall or office stores – when it is not possible to walk or ride. bike. If the bus is your mode of transport, get off one stop before or after your destination. Swap the elevator for the stairs, get up more often to go to the water fountain, have lunch at a restaurant a few blocks further from work.

Day 18: Increase concentration

Watch less TV and cut back on social media to do activities that require more of your mind, like reading, writing, and crossword puzzles. Stimulating concentration is good for several things – one of them: eating with your attention focused on food, enjoying food more.

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Day 19: Sleep and wake up earlier

The proper production of hormones essential to health and weight maintenance depend on restful sleep. Stress, alcohol, medication and long hours of work interfere with the rest period. An ideal night is one where you fall asleep easily, don’t wake up once, and wake up refreshed at the scheduled time.

Day 20: Differentiate between physical and psychological hunger

Sometimes, you eat a chocolate or a coxinha to ease tiredness or emotions, such as sadness and even joy. And this has nothing to do with real hunger – the one that signals the need to supply the body with nutrients. Pay attention: if the stomach is not rumbling or there is no feeling of an empty stomach, wait a little longer to eat.

Day 21: Spend less time sitting

If you work sitting down, you may spend many hours a day in that position, which is bad for your body. And you know that morning run? It’s over. From five hours glued to the chair, the effects of exercise begin to be canceled and the risk of weight gain, heart attack and stroke, the popular stroke. If it’s impossible to perform daily tasks standing up, get up every 30 minutes to go for a walk.

Day 22: Increase energy expenditure

It’s time to include race in training. Start slowly: alternate one minute of activity at a light pace with one minute of walking until you finish half an hour. Thus, it reaches a very high heart rate, which improves endurance and increases calorie burning.

Day 23: Do 15 minutes of squats

Your body is already more conditioned and ready for more intense exercises. Include a string of 100 squats in advance in your day.

The. Place your legs shoulder-width apart and place your hands in front of your chest with your arms bent.
B. Step forward with your right foot while bending your knees to a 90° angle. Return to the starting position and repeat with your left leg.

Do four sets of 25 reps on each side, with a short rest in between.

Day 24: Open the game

Write on a piece of paper all the excuses you’ve used to remain sedentary and dependent on sweets and other unhealthy foods. Then reflect: are any of them stronger than the importance of taking care of your body? Pin the notes to the fridge as a reminder.

Day 25: Adopt a winning stance

Correct posture all the time. You will feel much more confident. And exercise your brain: use words that are positive and different from the ones you already use…

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