Home » Life Advice » Shaped hips: the best exercises for the lateral thigh muscles –

Shaped hips: the best exercises for the lateral thigh muscles –

The anterior part of our thigh (i.e. the front) is made up of a muscle well known to those who practice physical exercises: the quadriceps. He is responsible for hip and knee flexion movements, and exercises for him are present in almost every session.

However, there are other equally important groups, but which are often neglected, you know? This is the case for those located on the side of the legs, which perform hip adduction and abduction (ie, closing and opening the legs). Working them is essential to ensure better muscle balance and facilitate mobility in everyday life.

“The lateral muscle is called the vastus lateralis. When we stimulate this region, we gain muscle mass, make the metabolism accelerate and guarantee firm and defined thighs in all their extensions”, explains personal trainer Bruno Frantz.

The best-known exercise for the spot is performed on the machine — you’ve probably seen it or even done it at the gym. “However, there are movements that require muscles and do not need equipment. In other words, you can work them at home”, adds also personal trainer Amanda Borges.

Check out what they are:

Exercises for the side of the thighs

Squat with plyometrics

(Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)

Standing with your feet hip-width apart and pointed forward, squat down while keeping your posture straight and looking straight ahead. Upon returning, perform a jump and land with your knees slightly bent.

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Standing, leave one foot in front of the other and go down until your knees form 90° (the front knee cannot go beyond the line of the foot). The back knee sinks towards the floor. Repeat switching legs.

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(Anna Shvets/Pexels)

Standing, take a step forward with one foot, going down until your knees form a 90° angle (the front knee cannot cross the line of the foot). The back knee sinks towards the floor. Then, step forward with the other leg and repeat the movement.

Side Kick + Squat


Start by standing with feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent. Kick one leg to the side. Return slowly, perform a squat and repeat with the other leg.

Hip movement in circles

(Leandro A. Rodrigues/)

Start in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart. Take one foot off the ground and slowly make a circle movement with it. Repeat with the other leg.

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