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Embroidered towels: step by step and 80 models to inspire you

Embroidered towels are beautiful pieces that can be used for decoration, for use or for gifting. They are very easy to make and have a wide variety of different designs and embroidery. You can even boost your income at the end of the month by making these amazing towels to sell.

Whether to have at home, to give as a gift or to sell, we have selected some tutorials to help you learn the most diverse embroidery techniques available.

Embroidered towels: how to make

Embroidered towels are beautiful ornaments, often simple to make and have great uses, in addition to a wide variety. With this in mind, we have separated 10 tutorial videos for you to learn the step by step of these amazing pieces.

hand embroidered towels

It is possible to make incredible embroidery by hand, without having to be an expert or having large machines for it. In this tutorial you learn how to embroider with crochet thread. The result is charming!

Name embroidered towels

Names embroidered on the towel, whether with cross stitch, ribbons or machine, are also extremely cute. They are personalized pieces ideal for gifting to that friend, relative or to personalize a newborn’s towel set.

embroidered bath towels

Embroidered bath towels are perfect to identify towels in your home with embroidered names, to take on trips and to give as gifts. When made with braided satin ribbons, they look even more beautiful. Learn this embroidery with this very simple step by step.

Towels embroidered with ribbons

Using the technique called fish scale, the embroidery with ribbons makes your towel beautiful and sophisticated, ideal for decorating your home on a daily basis or on the most special occasions.

Children’s embroidered towels

Baby wipes, also known as baby wipes, are small wipes that are almost indispensable in every baby’s layette. And they are very simple to make. Check out in this amazing tutorial how to make a towelie to give as a gift.

embroidered tablecloths

Want to make an embroidered tablecloth for that special occasion? It is also possible. In this video we have the step by step of a beautiful tablecloth with ribbons forming flowers. It’s passionate!

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Machine embroidered towels

If you have a simple sewing machine at home, you can also make beautiful embroidery with it. In this short tutorial you will learn how to embroider with a domestic sewing machine.

Towels embroidered with stones

Stones and beads can also form beautiful embroidered pieces to decorate your home and even gift a loved one. In this step by step you will learn how to embroider towels with amazing gemstones.

Towels embroidered with ribbon roses

The roses made with ribbons can be embroidered on your towel, forming passionate and beyond elegant pieces. You can gift or use your embroidery to guarantee an extra income at the end of the month.

Towels embroidered with satin ribbon and guipir

The guipir can be a creative and extremely cute way to embroider your towels. Combined with the satin ribbon forming small flowers, this decoration is even more beautiful and elegant.

With so many forms of embroidery available today, the ways to decorate your towel are endless. In addition, you can choose the form of embroidery that you like the most and that suits you best, which is more important.

80 models of embroidered towels to get inspired

The beauty of these amazing pieces is to enchant anyone. See 80 templates with a wide variety of themes and inspirations for you to have ideas and do at home.

1. Embroidery with names and designs form beautiful personalized pieces for gifting

2. Spicing up the name with colors and details makes your towel dazzling

3. Colors like gold and blue combine beautifully

4. And the possibilities for each combination are immense

5. Name embroidered baby wipes are classic gifts

6. And they can also have different embroidery

7. Embroidery can be used as a gift for anyone of any age

8. And they serve as beautiful decoration items

9. Regardless of the occasion, these sophisticated embroideries will complement your moments

10. Templates that are simple to make

11. Which can beautify from your living room to your bathroom

12. Whatever the special occasion

13. Your happy moments will be marked by amazing embroidery

14. In addition to mega creatives

15. Embroidery serves to immortalize these moments

16. And to celebrate them too

17. It is also possible to embroider that irrefutable invitation

18. And to leave recorded moments

19. Take this moment for a lifetime

20. Whatever it is

21. It is also possible to play with the mix of colors in your embroidered towels

22. And make amazing and sophisticated models

23. No matter what the occasion, colors are most welcome

24. And they’re also perfect for gifting

25. Embroidered towels can become the cutest gifts you could ever give

26. These amazing templates are perfect for gifting to recent graduates

27. It is also possible to surprise your little one’s godparents

28. Complete towel sets have an otherworldly charm

29. Whether for yourself or a loved one

30. And even for your business or trade

31. Even kids will love bathing in these amazing embroidered towels

32. In addition to being extremely creative

33. Superhero embroidery does not disappoint in fun

34. And this very cute model for your girl?

35. They are extremely charming

36. Combining paintings with embroidery results in beautiful pieces

37. Let your creativity flow and create wonderful towels

38. Embroidered towels are perfect for any kind of profession

39. You can honor that professional you admire

40. You can also customize the gift boxes

41. Turning your embroidered towel into an even more sophisticated gift

42. It is possible to embroider your towel with themes and also with phrases

43. Fun phrases look really cool in embroidery

44. Can save special moments

45. And they’re also perfect for gifting

46. ​​Flowers are perfect embroidery choices

47. Whether in minimalist and simple models

48. Or in more colorful models

49. The flowers give a tone beyond classic, beautiful and charming

50. Become perfect for gifting or marketing

51. Just like any other inspiration, embroidered towels make amazing gifts

52. Your most special moment can be immortalized with an embroidery

53. It is possible to customize towels with the most diverse themes

54. In the most creative ways possible

55. The delicacy of this heart made of flowers will make you fall in love

56. Just like this charming little cloud for your baby

57. The charm of these children’s themed towels will delight anyone

58. Even geeks will love the embroidered towels

59. You can be inspired by your hobby or profession

60. And create beautiful models of custom embroidered towels

61. Whether for you or to harmonize your work environment

62. And make it elegant and sophisticated

63. You can combine the embroidery with other personalized accessories

64. You can also style your embroidery according to the time of year

65. Christmas is one of the most creative dates

66. You can use the embroidered towels as a Christmas gift

67. You can guarantee an end-of-year income with amazing embroidery

68. Or decorate your house for the end of the year

69. The colors make your embroidered towel simply elegant

70. Whether in the living room, kitchen or bathroom

71. And even on the beach

72. Sophisticated models that will delight you

73. Cute and useful for any age

74. Where details reign and convey total delicacy

75. In the simplest and most minimalist embroideries, beauty also enchants

76. The whimsy of every personalized detail

77. And the personalization involving the colors of the embroidery and the fabric

78. Every detail contributes to a perfect embroidery

79. From the simplest to the most creative

80. Each embroidery has its unique beauty

Did you like the amazing models? It really is an embroidery more beautiful and charming than the other! You can use these inspirations to create your own personalized embroidery and surprise your loved ones with gifts that are just like them. And now, hands on!

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