Home » Love Clinic » “He lies to me and denies it”: 13 reasons why your boyfriend lies to you

“He lies to me and denies it”: 13 reasons why your boyfriend lies to you

Men and women perceive the world differently at times, which can cause problems and misunderstandings.

Sometimes what for them is a simple white lie, in our minds becomes a world of possibilities.

It could also happen that in everyday life we ​​unconsciously tell the odd lie. It is something that happens, sometimes it does not harm anyone and makes things easier.

But if you have noticed that your boyfriend lies to you quite often, this may not make you feel good.

Today we will get to the root of this issue and tell you 14 common reasons why men lie, so you don’t have to wonder anymore.

13 reasons why your boyfriend lies to you and denies it

1) Trust issues

The number one reason men lie is because they have trouble trusting others.

You’d be surprised how many men deal with it today.

Think about it: men are taught to be tough and not show their emotions.

So when you ask him how his day was, he says it was great, but actually he feels awful inside.

He doesn’t want you to know that he’s not happy, that he hates his job or the new project he just started.

However, that’s just a minor lie, something you shouldn’t worry about. The problem is when it comes to bigger things.

You see, trust issues can run very deep and can cause a man to lie about things he shouldn’t.

Another thing that happens due to trust issues is lying in the early stages of a relationship, when you are just getting to know each other.

Why do trust issues make men lie?

Well, one way or another, hiding behind lies is a lot easier than talking about the real problems you’re facing.

The thing is, when a relationship starts to be built on lies, what’s the point? After all, you want to love someone for who they are, not who they pretend to be.

When it comes to trust issues, there is usually some event in the past that causes this man to think that it is safer to lie than to trust you with the truth.

If you want to be in a relationship with him, it’s definitely something he needs to work on, either alone or with a therapist.

Trust issues can be detrimental to relationships, with or without lying involved.

2) He is trying to protect you

It may seem like a strange way to protect yourself, but some men lie about things in an attempt to keep you safe.

For example, if something distressing happened to him, he may lie to you so you don’t worry too much about him.

He’s trying to protect you, but doesn’t realize he’s probably doing more harm than good when it comes to lying to you.

The thing is, white lies are okay from time to time. We all have. You would rather tell your little son that the cat ran away, than tell him that he was in a terrible accident and was killed by a car, right?

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However, when a man lies to protect you, there are some questions that may arise in your head:

Don’t you think I can handle the truth? Do you see me as a child who needs protection? Don’t you trust that I could be of help?

All of these are valid questions. After all, you are a grown woman and you would rather help find a solution than be lied to, right?

There’s nothing wrong with shielding someone from the truth, it’s just that when a man does that, there’s usually more harm than good.

3) You want to protect yourself and flee from the conflict

Some men lie because they don’t want to be the bad guy.

They may feel guilty about something they did, or may not want you to know that they cheated on you.

This is a common lie among men who think that telling the truth will cause them pain.

I think we can all agree that this is the type of lying that is not okay.

After all, if you’re a man of integrity, you’ll at least admit your actions and face the consequences, right?

So while there’s nothing wrong with shielding someone from the truth from time to time, if a man is trying to protect himself, it could be a red flag.

And the truth is, most of the time, the truth will eventually come out.

For something there is a saying that says “Lies have short legs”.

Essentially, it means they can’t run very fast, they won’t get very far, and people will catch up to them sooner rather than later.

4) He doesn’t want to hurt you

The next reason your boyfriend might lie to you is that he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings or wants to avoid an argument.

He might think that if he tells you the truth, you’ll be more upset than necessary.

This is a common reason why men choose not to be honest with their partner about something.

You see, this can be about something really small like finding a friend or an attractive actress.

In those cases, it is debatable which is the correct approach. Many people will say that a little white lie like that could be fine.

However, these little white lies can turn into big things when he suddenly falls in love with someone else, but doesn’t tell you, because he doesn’t want to hurt you.

In that case, he could end up cheating on you, which would be incredibly painful.

You probably agree that it’s much better to be honest with things, even when they seem small at first.

That helps both of you to be on the same page and builds trust.

5) You want to control the situation

Men often lie to control the situation or to avoid conflict.

He may also do it to save face or because he doesn’t want to disappoint you.

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In general, men tend to be more competitive than women. They feel they need to “win” the argument or get the better of their opponent in a debate.

That’s where the lie comes in.

The thing is, when you’re good at lying, you can control the situation much more easily than when you tell the truth.

Often when men lie to control the situation, it’s because they don’t want to get into an argument.

They may have a good reason for not wanting to talk about something and would rather do it later.

Either way, it’s not a good reason to lie to you. He could also be honest and just ask to talk later. Don’t you think?

6) They want to protect themselves from embarrassment

Another reason many men may not tell someone the truth is that they don’t want to embarrass themselves in front of others.

There are things that happen that can be really embarrassing at times.

In those cases, men may lie to avoid that embarrassment.

Whether it’s a small thing, like “I’ve never been pooped by a bird” or something bigger. Avoiding shame is a great incentive to lie.

Does that make it okay?

Well, to be fair, I really don’t see the harm in saying that a bird has never pooped on you, if you want to avoid the embarrassment, but context is key here.

A little “white” lies will not hurt them. However, it could be the beginning of something that could get worse.

The more white lies a man tells, the more he will get used to lying and may even automatically lie, even about more important things.

Therefore, white lies should be taken with a grain of salt.

7) Is jealous or insecure

One of the most common reasons why men lie is because they are jealous or feel insecure.

Your boyfriend might have a hard time trusting another person and therefore try to protect himself and his feelings.

He may not want to share his feelings with you and think that if he pretends that everything is fine, then it will be.

Lying out of insecurity is something very common, you would be surprised how many men do it.

Not only will he lie to pretend that everything is fine, but he might also lie and say that girls are texting him or talking to him at the bar when in fact they are not.

Your boyfriend might do something like this in an attempt to make himself look much more desired than he feels. He wants you to have a great image of him and since he doesn’t feel comfortable with himself, he lies.

The problem is that when you’re with a man who’s trying hard not to appear insecure, you’ll never really know what or who he is.

8) He wants to take advantage of you

If you haven’t been dating this guy for long, or you don’t know him well yet, it could be that he is man lies to you because he wants to take advantage of you.

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He wants access to you and your emotions, so he tells you what you want to hear to keep you in his life.

Such a man might lie about his feelings for you or about his intentions with other women.

Some men think it’s worth the time and energy spent lying, if it means getting what they want in return, like sex!

This type of lie often comes in the form of sweet flattery that makes it hard for you not to believe it.

But they can also manifest as subtle changes in behavior or even manipulation through guilt or other forms of emotional abuse.

The important thing to remember here is: trust actions more than words.

This man says you’re his number one priority but his actions say otherwise?

Believe in your actions.

This type of liar is the type we really don’t want to come across. And the problem is that sometimes it can be very difficult to detect, especially when there are feelings involved on your part.

9) You are trying to help someone else

Another of the most common reasons why your boyfriend lies to you and denies it is to help another person.

You may feel that you owe your friend something, or feel sorry for someone and therefore lie for that person.

Some men are often too kind and loving to be able to say no when someone asks for their help, or to keep a secret.

Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do, it’s up to him to decide if it’s worth lying or not.

10) Wants to get away with something

This is another of the most common reasons why your boyfriend will lie and deny it, and it can manifest in a number of different ways.

He thinks he can get away with lying about something, either in front of his friends or behind your back.

He could lie about something bad he did or about an old secret, which he may not have told you.

Getting away with it can be anything from cheating, text flirting with other women, to having made a huge mistake in your business and lost a lot of money.

He might even try to blame someone else, and the more you try to reason with him, the more he will try to convince you that he did nothing wrong.

This brings us back to the point of honor.

A man of integrity will not try to get his way, no matter what the problem is.

He will tell you the secret he had or the mistake he made. And if he doesn’t, you should seriously consider if he is the type of man you want by your side.

Honorable men don’t need to lie to get away with it, they admit their mistakes.

11) Your ego feels powerful when a lie…

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