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5 Ways to Make a Narcissist Miss You (and How to Release Yourself)

If a narcissist has dumped you, you’re probably frustrated and angry that you put up with so much crap from him, all only to end up being thrown away out of hand.

If you want a narcissist to realize what they have lost and regret how they treated you, then this article is for you.

As a first step we must delve into the concepts, to clearly understand what we are talking about…

What is a narcissist?

A narcissist is a person who has an exaggerated sense of their own importance and overestimates their attributes, abilities, or talents.

They also tend to have an unrealistic self-image, which they unconsciously or consciously project onto others in order to feel better about themselves.

But there is more.

Narcissists are people who often lack empathy and don’t respect you or your feelings.

In the case of being associated with someone who is codependent, they will often abuse their partner to satisfy their own needs (which are usually selfish).

A narcissist feels entitled to anything they want and has no problem becoming aggressive or mean to get it.

They have no respect for your time, feelings, or emotions, nor do they care to be nice or even pretend to be.

Narcissists also tend to lack remorse and rarely feel bad about anything.

And when it comes to relationships, narcissists are often drawn to people they can manipulate to get what they want.

Narcissists often have a hard time forming real friendships and tend to use people as a means to feel better about themselves.

And now that you understand a little better what you’re dealing with…

Here are the 5 surefire ways to make a narcissist miss you (and benefit yourself along the way).

First of all I have to be honest with you: because a narcissist always puts himself first, you probably won’t really get him to miss you.

What you can do is make them miss what you did for them and gave them.

1) Stop Being Your Narcissistic Supply Chain

Wait, what is the narcissistic supply?

It is the positive stimulus a person feels from being rewarded for displaying traits that others admire.

A narcissist is generally attracted to people who provide them with a narcissistic supply (or more generally known as “attention”).

Narcissists often see their partners as sources of narcissistic supply and use them to feel better about themselves.

They take advantage of their partner’s desire to be in a relationship and tend to see them as someone they can manipulate into doing what they want when they want.

Unless they have found another narcissistic source of supply, they are likely to continue to rely on you to get that care they need.

So if you want a narcissist to miss you, you need to stop being their narcissistic supply source.

Simply put, don’t give them the attention they crave.

2) Stop being available

If you want a narcissist to miss you and beg for your attention, then stop showing him the availability he’s used to.

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This means that you should stop associating with him on any level that is not absolutely necessary. You need to set limits and refuse to be manipulated.

When they try to contact you or send you a text, don’t reply right away. And it wouldn’t even hurt you not to respond at all.

If he asks you a question, your answers should be short and to the point. Do not engage in long conversations with him or add personal details of your life or plans.

Remember, narcissists are used to getting what they want, when they want it.

He will expect you to drop everything for him and run when he calls, even if you are no longer together.

By making yourself less available, you are taking away the attention a narcissist expects from you.

3) Focus on yourself

Now that you’re less available, it’s time to focus on yourself.

You have spent enough time attending to his needs and giving your all to make him happy.

Simply put, it’s time for you to focus on your own needs.

Start defining and pursuing your goals, making plans for the future, and spending time with the people you care about or really care about.

When a narcissist feels like they can’t get the attention they need from you, they will feel dissatisfied.

This is because getting attention is what makes you feel better about yourself. And as a consequence, changing the focus of your attention will logically make him miss you.

4) Do not give them the satisfaction of knowing that they hurt you

This is the harsh truth: narcissists love attention, and negative attention is attention too.

So if you’re tempted to list all the ways your narcissist hurt you and try to get him to empathize, don’t even bother.

You won’t get what you want, and in fact, it might even give him some kind of satisfaction knowing that he has so much power over you.

You shouldn’t let a narcissist know how much you hurt or how much influence they have on you.

Make sure you show your best side to him, even when you’re not feeling so good.

Smile and laugh around them, but don’t let them see you cry or hear you complain about how badly they treated you.

5) Get on with your life

The best way to make a narcissist miss you is to move on with your life.

You shouldn’t just sit back and sink into your emotions and suffering.

While it’s important to acknowledge that you’re going through a difficult time, it’s also important to recognize how much better off you are without someone who doesn’t appreciate how amazing and wonderful you really are.

So keep busy! Find new hobbies. Travels. Spend more time with your friends. To learn a new language. And when you’re ready, start dating again.

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When your narcissist sees that you are over him and don’t need him in your life anymore, he will surely miss you.

6) Transform the bond radically

The only way to be able to relate to this man again is by getting the bond reinvented.

The most important thing is that you do not repeat the same mistakes and repeat the same routine. That can only end as it began. Evil.

You have to make both of you forget all the bad things in the relationship and leave it behind. May he long for the good things you shared and commit to abandoning all narcissistic behavior.

There is a new method created by Samantha Sanders where she teaches you to enter your ex’s subconscious to make him accept his mistakes.

Once you apply it, you will make him come back to look for you thinking that he can never let you go again.

If you want to attract him back and ignite the spark that used to be between you, watch this video to learn the secrets and techniques that will make him come back.

What you will achieve will not be repeating the same relationship they had, but creating a new, much stronger and deeper bond.

Here is the link to the video once again.

Fair warning, this method may make him come back but it does not guarantee that he will become someone else, so it will be up to you to figure out if he is the person you want by your side.

How to get over a narcissist

Now that you know how to make a narcissist miss you and you’re aware of the attention you’ve given them, it’s important to know how to get over it and move on with your life.

1) Give yourself the opportunity to grieve

You must allow yourself to grieve for the relationship.

Just because you know the relationship wasn’t healthy doesn’t mean your feelings of sadness, anger, or even hurt are invalid.

What can you do?

Give yourself a chance to feel the pain, and don’t beat yourself up if it takes longer than you expected.

The bottom line is that in order to move on, you will have to accept what happened and how you feel about it, no matter how painful it is. You need to grieve in order to transcend those feelings and move forward.

2) Spend time with the people who love you.

One of the best ways to get over a narcissist is to spend time with the people who love you.

This means being close to your friends and family. Those people who not only want the best for you, but are also there for you when you need them.

Your relationship with a narcissist was all about making them feel happy and taking care of their needs. What’s more, they probably put you down and made you feel unworthy of love.

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The best thing you can do to get over a narcissist is spend time with people who love you and put you first. The attention they give you will show you how amazing and wonderful you really are.

3) Understand that narcissists have no regrets

Narcissists are incapable of feeling regret or remorse, which means he’s not going to change.

No matter how badly he has treated you, he will never feel bad about himself.

So if you want to get over a narcissist, you should just let go and move on.

There is nothing that can be done and there is no point in trying to save the relationship thinking that things will change because it is highly unlikely.

4) Stop obsessing

It can be hard to stop obsessing over a narcissistic ex, especially if you’re still in love with them.

But if you want to get over it and move on with your life, then you have to make an effort to forget about it.

Stop thinking, “What if?” or to focus only on the good without seeing the shadows of it. The truth is that there is not much good that could have happened in a relationship with a narcissist.

By all means, acknowledge the reality of what happened in the relationship so you can deal with your feelings. But, at the same time, don’t let your thoughts consume you.

Don’t let a narcissist worry you, because obsessing over him won’t do you any good.

5) Do not try to rationalize their behavior

It can be extremely tempting to try to rationalize why a narcissist treated you the way they did, but it won’t do you any good.

No matter how much you rationalize it, you will be left with a feeling of pain.

His approach is not like yours, so you will never be able to see things the way he sees them.

Keep in mind that a narcissist does not have the ability to care about anyone but himself, nor does he have the ability to change that.

Narcissists have a personality disorder, it is a mental disorder, which causes them to act the way they do.

This means that there is nothing rational in his behavior.

6) Resist the urge to get even.

Resisting the urge to get even is probably one of the hardest things to do when trying to get over a narcissist.


Because you desperately want revenge on them for everything they’ve done.

But your desire for revenge will only make it harder for you to move on with your life.

Plus, it’s probably counterproductive, because the narcissist will only thrive on the attention you give him.

Remember, a narcissist does not have the capacity to feel bad about themselves. They are immersed in their ways and there is no way to change that.

7) Keep busy

Something that will make getting over a narcissist even…

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