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All about the April 30, 2022 eclipse |

The first eclipse of the year is coming! The April 30, 2022 eclipse takes place at 5:28 pm (Brasília time), next to the New Moon.

This is a solar eclipse and it will be visible in the southeastern Pacific Ocean and in the south of South America, mainly in Argentina. In Brazil, it will not be visible. Some astronomers indicate a small possibility of observing the phenomenon in the extreme west of Rio Grande do Sul.

For Astrology, an eclipse highlights important themes in each person’s life for about six months. The area of ​​your map that gains relevance with the April 30, 2022 eclipse tends to have stronger events linked to it. You will be able to understand this in this article.

Eclipses are trigger points in every person’s life

Three weeks before and three weeks after, eclipses can show surprises and indicate changing scenarios. For example, the omicron variant of Covid-19 was revealed in the last eclipse in a scenario that was already thought to be more stable.

Eclipses are also associated with events that may occur in the following six months. An example is last year’s November eclipse that occurred over the feared star Algol, associated with destruction. At the time, we warned against excesses and sudden events.

In personal life, something can also “turn” with the eclipse as a trigger. In the vicinity of eclipses, it is common for collective or personal crises to break out, and people’s emotional plane tends to be more mobilized.

Therefore, it is common to feel that there is more imbalance, impulsiveness and blindness in your surroundings or in your life. Try to avoid having reckless behaviors that could lead to changes you don’t think about. Enjoy and save the 2022 eclipse dates that are here.

What might happen on the April 30, 2022 eclipse

Eclipse by itself is already unpredictable, what about one that brings Uranus, the planet that is king of unpredictability, together with the Sun and the Moon? This is the case for the eclipse of April 30, 2022. We can expect that until October a lot of unexpected things can happen. Including issues that may affect finances and the economy, since the eclipse takes place in the sign of Taurus (you can understand all matters related to the sign of Taurus here).

Another feature that reinforces the economic issue is that 2022 eclipses occur on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. These signs govern the economic part (Taurus) and crises (Scorpio). Also, Taurus and Scorpio are fixed signs, the rhythm most associated with stubborn behaviors.

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Uranus is associated with the potential for earthquakes, storms, tornadoes, tsunamis and other types of shocks and disruptions, such as frosts that harm agriculture, or of a financial nature. But the planet also gives rise to new things. For example: new economic trends or business starts from the end of others.

In Brazil, eclipse indicates chance of more accidents or events that impair circulation

In personal life, the effect is the same, from ruptures and unexpected events in partnerships to new unions and partnerships. For Brazil, the map of the eclipse of April 30, 2022 has Sun, Moon and Uranus in House 7, which speaks exactly of partnerships and relationships – whether affective, business. You can understand more about the 7th house meanings here.

Be careful with impulsiveness so you don’t regret breaking up a good partnership or relationship. The yearning for freedom and fresh air can get very strong in this eclipse, messing with matters that until then seemed stable (Taurus). Remembering that this trend can be especially strong in May.

The degree of the eclipse falls on Saturn in the astral map of Brazil, a symbol that has to do with rulers and structures, remaining in effect throughout the electoral period, and may indicate many surprises involving rulers, authority figures, news and circulation, with an increased chance of accidents in general.

For the astral map of the eclipse in Brazil, there is something worrying: Pluto is exactly conjunct the Background of the Sky. This placement has the potential to bring hidden things to light, as well as crises for governments and authority figures, destructive potential involving natural phenomena and loss of people. The intensity of this issue can be particularly felt in May.

In personal life, there is a chance of crises and family losses, but also recoveries after more intense events.

Biden’s Mars and Putin’s Venus Involved in Eclipse

The same degree as the April 30, 2022 eclipse is opposite Mars in US President Joe Biden’s birth chart. This planet is associated with bellicosity, aggressiveness, actions and energy, which may indicate a trend of something surprising related to these themes and Biden.

And the phenomenon is in opposition to Venus in the birth chart of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Venus is a planet of partnerships and economics, reinforcing the difficult issues that are already involving Russia in this regard. Remember that the November 2021 eclipse triggered the intense T-square of Putin’s birth chart, related to expansion, economics and power issues.

The bright side of the April 30, 2022 eclipse

The eclipse birth chart has the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces as one of its strengths. It is a combination of openness, faith and hope. In addition, Venus is part of it, and may indicate softening and reconciliation, as well as a lot of romanticism in relationships where there is no Uranian radicalism.

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As in the April 30, 2022 eclipse chart, Venus is in the 6th house, there is more chance of good news involving work and employment for many people – such as hiring new employees.

Sun and Mars look good to each other and suggest initiative and energy for the month of May. In addition, the good facet of the conjunction of Sun and Moon with Uranus can be to promote shifts and changes that can be very positive – and with great force! -, despite having its heavy side and sense of crises and losses for Brazilians and for government officials, from sudden events.

The area of ​​your life that can be touched by the eclipse

See in ‘s sky map which area of ​​your life will be highlighted by the April 30, 2022 eclipse. The house themes of your map that gain emphasis for six months with the eclipse. You can expect varied events, from gains and losses to news and changes. This is how eclipses work.

Eventually, they are events in themselves, but this area of ​​your life affected by the eclipse becomes your main focus of reflections. For example, if the eclipse falls in your 2nd house and your financial life has not been going well for a long time, perhaps you will think about this subject a lot.

Refer to the eclipse themes in your life and write them down so you can look back on this in a few months to see what happened in relation to those matters.

access your sky map here in this link The house in your map that the eclipse will emphasize will be highlighted as in the image below.

If the eclipse falls in your 1st house: your individuality, beginnings and beginnings, new seeds in your personal life, new attitudes and directions come to the fore from this eclipse. Maybe even something new in your appearance.
If the eclipse falls in your 2nd house: practical and financial matters are highlighted in your life, as well as reflections on how to earn and spend money, self-esteem, self-worth, your talents and how to turn talents into something practical.
If the eclipse falls in your 3rd house: communication and his siblings or relatives gain relevance, in addition to themes such as commuting and travel, papers and documents, his immediate way of thinking and his flexibility (such as being in two places or doing two things at the same time).
If the eclipse falls in your 4th house: it is your most intimate sphere that gains relevance with this eclipse. Therefore, your family members, your physical home, your sense of home, real estate issues, past issues, emotional issues, childhood issues or even old age can take more time of your attention.
If the eclipse falls in your 5th house: love issues, your self-esteem, your pleasure and leisure, your children and your personal projects are even more important themes from the eclipse.
If the eclipse falls in your 6th house: The themes that gain emphasis involve your health, your diet, your habits and routine, your day-to-day at work, your organization, employees associated with you and pets.
If the eclipse falls in your 7th house: your partnerships and your relationships in general may ask for more attention during this period. There may be happenings for your partner (positive or negative) and there may be changes in everything that comes from the other person or leads you to the other person.
If the eclipse falls in your 8th house: money in partnership or profits that come from other people or partnerships need your eye in this period, as well as debts and taxes. Also at stake are themes involving surgeries, sexuality, deep feelings, the end of cycles, rebirths, crises and transformations.
If the eclipse falls in your 9th house: in your life, the eclipse puts emphasis on specializations, studies, long trips, contacts with the Outside, your world view and new horizons.
If the eclipse falls in your 10th house: eclipse highlights professional issues, your vocation, your goals to be achieved and the visibility you have.
If the eclipse falls in your 11th house: it is your groups, your friends and your friendships that stand out with this eclipse, as well as your projects for the future and how much you are affected by collective issues.
If the eclipse falls in your 12th house: the eclipse indicates that your internal issues, your sensitivity, your psychic world and your spirituality can be scrambled in these coming months. Maybe you can reflect more on the repetitive patterns in your life or feel the need to withdraw more and deal with your own company.

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