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Arcturian System: how it works, what it is for and how to use it

The Arcturian System of Multidimensional Healing is a technique that uses geometry, also called energetic codes, to facilitate the modulation of energies sent by the Arcturians to balance their field.

Symbols of the Arcturian System

Symbols or geometry are energetic codes that connect specific energies to the Higher Self of the person served. That is, they are tools that open channels of pure and healing energy, helping people to harmonize, lose fear and find themselves again.

Arcturian symbols were channeled by psychotherapist Clarindo Melchizedek. According to him, this work has been facilitating the awakening of human beings. The technique helps to remember their true essence and recognize themselves as beings of love and peace.

To follow a sequence of symbols, it is necessary to schedule an appointment with a specialized therapist. It is also possible to follow a sequence indicated in classes or even use intuition.

To learn the technique is simple: easy to perform and apply, it only requires the course of the level to be applied.

A Extraphysical Team it is formed mainly by the Arcturians, but it is possible to perceive the help and presence of other Extraphysical Masters, both from the planetary and cosmic hierarchy.

How a service works

To understand which level the therapist will apply, a previous conversation takes place between you and the specialist, who can direct you to a specific topic or follow the sequence presented by the Arcturian System of Multidimensional Healing. In other words, the choice of path is yours.

After the initial conversation, the therapist will guide you on the position, breathing and how to continue the session. Likewise, it will signal when it’s done.

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What to expect from the Arcturian Multidimensional Healing System

In the first session, it is already possible to notice a relaxation and, over the days, a vibrational change, which can present itself as a different view of everyday events, or an automatic non-reaction, for example.

The benefits of the technique are many, from taking care of your physical body and dealing with imbalances, to expanding your perception and evolution as a human being.

It’s not magic! There are people who promise radical and instant changes! They can happen, but according to the increase in consciousness and frequency that each one of us reaches.

Vibrational therapy techniques (which you can read more about here) help in the individual process of evolution.

In practical terms, improving our level of consciousness, whether emotional or mental, improves our well-being and quality of life. Therefore, with choices in accordance with higher frequencies and more efficient results in everyday life.

The key to success in living better, having a better quality of life and dealing with situations, people and environments in a lighter and more positive way is to keep this frequency high in your daily life. So if you want to know more I wrote more here about how to raise your vibration.

Remember if! Look for references from the vibrational therapist of the technique you chose, with a specialized and personal service, to guide you along this path. That is, the best therapy, technique or tool is the one you do!

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